چالش دیدگاه من - درس اول انگلیسی قدرت

خیلی خب. من وویس روز پنجم رو آماده کردم. بعد مدت ها یه داستان گوس بامبزی نوشتم جیگرمون قبل عید حال بیاد :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I was sitting somewhere in my room. It was 5 Am.
I couldn’t sleep. I had no Idea why I had a peak emotional state at 5 am. My brain was rushing and constantly thinking. My thoughts were differ in subjects.
I can’t remember when, but I remember I fell asleep.
I had a dream. Even in my subconscious mind I was confused. I had a gun and a knife.
The knife had some blood on it. I was looking at the knife, my eyes were going to pop out. Suddenly a light went on. It wasn’t a bright light. It was more flickering.
I could see a shadow. It wasn’t clear, I was scared but I decided to get closer to find what it is?
I was shaking and I felt a huge hesitance in my heart. Something was telling me, don’t go…
But at same time I could feel some engagement for going and checking out the figure.
As I got closer and closer to the figure, I could feel something was strangling me. My heart was beating so fast, I can’t say it was excitement or stress.
I reached to the person and the light became so bright.
The figure was laying down on his stomach and blood was everywhere.
I gulped and sat beside him. I had to see his face, so I grabbed his head and I felt shocked.
I was scared to death. The face was exactly like me…
The figure was dead and I killed myself.
I woke up and the clock was showing the time was 7 Am. I slept maybe less than 1 hour. I felt tired as hell.

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