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سعی کردم پایانش باز تموم نشه :sunglasses::sweat_smile:

Once upon a time in the world was a big & beautiful castle there was a king & his second wife.
The second wife of the king was unaware of the first wife & son’s king & the king was a long time unaware of the them.
1 year later God gave a beautiful girl to the king & his wife & her name was SALLY.
Some years later, the castle door opened on Sally’s suitors.
A cold winter day the king allowed 4person of them to enter the castle & he put a race between them.
In fact, they should swim along the way in the sea for a long time& when they arrived in British, they have to found a huge snake & return with him.
Anyone success, the husband becomes the king’s daughter a month later the race began, 5,4,3,2,1, start.
Each of the 4 boys began to swim.
When the visualized & thought about the king’s daughter, their energy would increase.
4 hours after start race. one of the froze & died.
So now they are 3 people.
After 9 hours they arrived in British & anyone was looking for a big snake & but one of them was killed by a snake bit& he was swallowed by the snake & so the competition was between 2 people.
Each of them found a huge & strong snake & they closed the snake around their waist but unfortunately, one of them drowned in the sea & died.
ultimately the last survivor came in the castle.
He went to the king & said:
I acted in my own worlds.
The king repaid: ok, now go and come back 2weeks later, with your parents, for the next bet.
The boy said: do you still have another bet?
The king repaid: yeah, of course, I love my daughter, I can’t accept you very easily.
And the boy said this sentence and went:
" go siiiir, there’s a lot of girl in the world, your daughter for yourself, I don’t want her :unamused::joy:"

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