Hello to energetic and good friends
I hop all of you will be fine.
Today, I decide to attend to challenge of the weblog. In this blog, I want yo talk about very thing, for example: symptoms, good thing in my life, wishes, goals and … .
Thank you so much for accepting me in your community. I’m glad to have friends like you.
the end I’m thankful of @YoKambiz
Hello and wellcome to this challenge
Here is a nice environment for writing what you want. I hope to read or listen your experince
Thank you dear friend for your comment and
your attention.
hi dear friend nice job
Hello my dear friend. What a nice topic. I’m looking forward to hear about your wishes,goals and what you like to share in this forum. I wish the best for you.
Than you so much for your good wish.
Good luck
Thank you
Thank you so much
Hello my friends
I want to share my first post with you .
Tonight I want to talk you about this pictures of my daily path to my work.
I almosly part of the time walk to part of the way to work. I can say that is one of the my motivation to go to work. Because this way is very nice, calm, solitude and … .if I have a little extra time before my work, I can rest a bit on the benches.
Let me tell you one of my memories on about this path:
One day a heavy rain came and I was surprised of that , because i didn’t have an umbrella with me. I arrived early, and also, I love the rain so much. So, I walked to work place.
According to ours Iranians l was look like (موش آب کشیده) {I’m so sorry , Now I don’t know what the meaning this idom in English. }
My friends told me: you are crazy sama, but I said: if the weather going to rainy again I going to do this again.
What is your opinion? Am I crazy?
Thank you for reading and listening to my text.
Samaneh, your friend.
I’m sorry I don’t no way some time my voice disconnect
Hi dear Samaneh and welcome
What a beautiful scenery! Good for you
Could you tell us where is that? It seems very familiar to me, but I can’t remember. maybe it’s like Keshavarz Blvd. in Tehran. I don’t know.
And yes. I think you are crazy. but in a good way. I’m crazy too. From the standpoint of many people you are crazy when you dare to do something different. People start being conservative when they get older, but I’ve decided to stay crazy all the time.
All in all, I should say: Nice job Keep working.
Hi dear friend. Thank you for your attention.
This photo is of Chaharbagh Khajoo Street in Isfahan.
Thanks for your opinion and I totally agree with your opinion.
Oh, beautiful Isfahan. I’ve missed it.
Oh, dear. Come to Isfahan. I’m glad to see you.
Dear sama,
You’re not crazy, you have playfulness inner child.
I like to walk in rain, especially when I am being wet.
Have fun and enjoyable
Thank you.Yes, I will repeat this because I love Walk under the rain and enjoy it.
Wow Cool thing
I think we are all crazy
and the craziest person in people’s opinion is the most successful one.
I personally don’t like to be wet because I know that I’ll sneeze a lot since I have an allergy and I hate when my runny nose starts.
but I like the rainy weather because I can sleep like a bear.
and in Rasht, we have a path like this which is called Alamalhoda.
walking in these kinds of paths will make you feel relieved.
I personally like to walk a lot
thanks. please share more of your expriences.
Hello dear samaneh
Whats a beautiful pathway you faced everyday .
The picture show that your city has cool weather,right?
The path full of green trees
About your experienc: because in my city l can not see the rain much,i realy like the rain and when the weather is rainy i go out and walk.Its realy make me happy and relax.So when i read this text i remember those days
Do this again you are not crazy
Hi mr kambize. tanks for your comment, And your opinion.
Really?? Sleeping is good too
How Interesting. Alamalhoda is beautiful scenery too. I like that. If i going to rasht, i Certainly going to see thise path.
Thank you for your information.
I like to practice speaking and writing and doing activity in the forum more than now. i a littel Busy but i try active more then. Beacuse These are essential for improve my English language . Thank you for your positive energy.
Hi dear fatemeh. Tanks
No. This picture isn’t for now. I take this photo On the same day I walked under the rain.
Unfortunately, Now the weather is very hot.
Can i ask you are from Wich city?
Certainly thanks
Hi my dear friend. How are you?This sentence,brings back some memories for me. I want to write something about that.One day I visited the Dentistry of Mohammad center,in order to see a dentist. (You know it’s located at Bozorgmehr sq,the first of Moshtagh Ave).
It was a rainy day in the spring. When I left the Dentistry clinic,the weather continued to be rainy. I was really happy and I started to walk all the way to Qaemiah St,without umbrella. What a long distance!!.Finally I arrived in"looking like a drowned rat"m.
That means “look like a drowned rat”.Also
“Look like a soaked rat”.
“Wet to the skin”.
And “Drenced to the skin”.
All of them have the same meaning.
Thank you so much for reminding me of my happy day.
Wish you luck.
Unfortunately these days,There’s a serious shortage of water in many areas in our country. As you know some of the people suffering from that in Esfahan province.That’s why most of the people in our town ,have provided a tank for storing of water in their homes,since some years ago. How about your area?Do people around you have any problem with lack of water?
Hi dear saba. Tank you today i have very good day and i’m so happy.
How about you?
Thank you for your attention. How interesting is that you had a similar memory to me. Thank you for writing this memories.
Thank you so much for your help.
Your welcom my friend.
Thank you for your kindness
Yes i was so sad about that
My father is a farmer and unfortunately his farm has suffered a drought.
There is no problem in our neighborhood for drinking water until today. thank God.But my workplace is cut off at noon, and people in the area are in trouble.