چالش هشتم Discussion - ریسک- No Persian

Hello guys

Ok, the eighth challenge is here.

Thanks to everyone who have participated in the previous ones.

We’ve chosen the topic **Risk ** for this week, so here we go…

Answer these questions and talk about this subject as much as you like then the other members will listen to you and talk to you about them.

• What is your definition of risk?
• Are you a risk taker? Why/why not?
• What are the advantages/disadvantages of taking risks?
• What risks do you come across in your work/life?
• What risks have you taken in your life?
About the next topic. Share your suggestions and if you don’t have any, choose of these:

  • Shopping
  • Beauty
  • Television
0 رای دهندگان

Rules: I don’t like to call them rules. but especially for this challenge, we need some rules

  1. Never use Persian
  2. Your priority must be recording and talking but if it’s not possible writing in English can be your second choice.
  3. under every recording use these codes
code Meaning
CC Chit - Chat
RTT Related To The Topic

CC will be used when you are specifically talking to a person and you don’t want anyone else to talk to you about it.

for example:

In this picture, I recorded a voice specifically to Farzad and it’s not related to the topic that we are discussing, so anyone can avoid it and save some times.

RTT is about the main topic and by using this code you are saying " this voice is free for discussion."

Like this one:

So now everyone knows that this voice is related to the topic and is free for discussion.

In this way, we prevent all the spams and there is no need to listen to all voices, especially the ones that are not related to all members

If you don’t use the code RTT, by default we assume that the voice is related to the topic.

But please use the CC code when is needed

OK, let’s do it.

Do you have any question? comment below :point_down::point_down:

Subscribe to the Group’s Telegram Channel to be notified of the next challenges.

11 پسندیده


9 پسندیده


7 پسندیده






9 پسندیده

سلام خدمت دوستان عزیز ، این بار در قالب دو بخش ویس میذارم . اولی که، همین هست، بیشتر درباره ی یکی از مشکلات گروه و ارتباط اون با ریسک صحبت کردم و البته از تجربه خودمم گفتم .در پارت بعدی مشخصا درباره موضوع صحبت خواهم کرد . پیشاپیش بابت طولانی بودن عذرخواهی میکنم وقتی کلماتتون محدود باشه برای توضیح منظورتون باید بیشتر صحبت کنید علتش اینه.
و البته تشکر مجدد از دوستانی که وقت می ذارن ، این موقعیت برای ما فراهم کردن تا بتونیم در این چالش مشارکت داشته باشیم .خداییش دمه همتون گرم

4 پسندیده

4 پسندیده

Hello, This is my voice I hope you enjoy it.
In the voice I have answered the 4th question but I thought I haven’t.
And, … Ah, As always I didn’t use any kind of text.
That’s it
(I dont know why my voice is low even I was talking loudly and of course confident, Excuse me because of the noises that would you hear them in the end of recording)

Please choose the “Television” for the next subject! :smiley::smile:

3 پسندیده