How to pronounce "V" and "W"

سلام دوستان
درس دوم تلفظ با عنوان نحوه‌ی تلفظ w و v که پیشتر قولشو داده بودم بالاخره آماده شد. عذر میخوام، هم بابت تاخیر هم اینکه یه کم صدام گرفته.
متن رو با عجله نوشتم اگه اشتباهی توش بود خوشحال میشم تصحیح کنید.

Hello dear friends and members. I hope you feel great and have a good friday. Welcome to pronunciation lesson number 2. This session as I promised before is going to be about w sound and v sound. V and W.
You may have noticed that I frequently compliment Miss Kimia and Miss Zahra Sheikhi. It’s just because they have a really good pronunciation. I really enjoy when they speak English. Just because of their good pronunciation. But why is it important to have a good pronunciation? Why do we have to try to pronounce the sounds correctly? Sometimes someone who speaks like native speakers. And we say “look, the speak very well, like a native”. What do you think makes them speak like natives? I’ll tell you what. One of the most fundamental factors that makes them speak very well, is their pronunciation. This is a really important factor. And an important point you should be aware of is that when we speak of pronunciation, we deal with sounds, not letters. For example, we say “s” letter but we never say it as “s”, we should say /s/, like in student. We don’t say “estudent”, we say /student/.
OK, lets get to the main point. As I said I’m going to teach v sound and w sound. /v/ and /w/.
These sounds are hard to pronounce because especially in Persian we have one letter for both. I have heard people saying “one” /van/, number one as /van/, instead of /wan/, they say /ven/ instead of when /wen/ and so on.
So, how do we pronounce the words containing these sounds? First I talk about the way of their articulation. Articulation of a sound means producing of that sound. /w/ is articulated (or is made, is produced) with lips, our lips. We round our lips to make it. When we make /w/ sound, the air moves freely and the teeth are not involved at all. We don’t involve our teeth. While when we make a /v/ sound, the air is blown between our teeth and lip. Actually V is formed in the same way as F sound. There is a slight difference between them. The difference is that /v/ sound is voiced while /f/ sound is voiceless. In other way /v/ is vibrated, /f/ is not.
Another point to mention is wh-questions. All wh-questions should be pronounced as /w/ sound. It is when not vhen, it is what not vhat, it is why, not vhy.
A great way to practice these sounds is to use tongue twisters or some phases containing these sounds. Such as very well, every week, very wonderful woman, it’s wonderful not vonderful, very wonderful woman. It’s woman not voman. wonderful villa, it’s villa not willa, wonderful Vila, very weak, very worried. The differences between these two sounds should be clear and distinguishable. Very very clear.
I have found some tongue twisters. You can find them in the link below and you can practice with them.

P. S. Use a mirror to make sure you are not rounding or closing the lips when making the /v/ sound.

درس تلفظ شماره یک

21 پسندیده

Thx miss @pari
They were very useful information and It was pretty cool of you

4 پسندیده

You’re welcome.
It is very nice of you

4 پسندیده

5 پسندیده

thanks alot miss parvin that was perfect​:rose::rose::rose::rose:

3 پسندیده

Thank you.

The woman is absolutely crazy :joy:
I love her.

4 پسندیده

who is not
these days

3 پسندیده

سلام پروین خانم
وای این تاپیک فوق العادس واقعا. آوردمش بالا تا دوستان جدید استفاده ببرند. من قبل از این تاپیک اصلا این نکته رو نمیدونستم. ممنونم ازتون :pray:

3 پسندیده

سلام آقا مصطفی. ممنونم ازتون لطف دارید. :pray:

یکی از ویژگی‌های بارز شما اینه وقتی چیزی رو یاد بگیرید حتما در عمل هم استفاده می‌کنید. توی وویس‌هاتون کاملا مشخصه. من اینو توی گفتگوی شخصی هم با یکی از دوستان مطرح کرده بودم که آقا مصطفی واقعا عالی پیش میرن و نکات رو ریز به ریز استفاده می‌کنن. خوشحالم که براتون مفید بوده.

باید این درس‌های تلفظ رو ادامه بدم. یه چند تای دیگه رو می‌خوام کار کنم و به زودی توی تالار منتشر میکنم.

5 پسندیده

ممنونم بابت لطفی که به بنده دارید. :rose: :pray:

چقدر عالی. بی صبرانه منتظریم. :ok_hand:

3 پسندیده

این مدرس ه خیلی باحالن…من چند تا از ویدیوهاشون رو دیدم…معرکه ن

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