موضوع: روش تدریس زبان انگلیسی

خدمت همه زبانشناسی های عزیز :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:
با یک چالش نوشتاری دیگه در خدمتتون هستیم با عنوان روش تدریس انگلیسی

دعوت میکنم از همه علاقه مندان به این چالش که با مشارکت فعال خودشون ما رو در امر خدمت رسانی یاری کنن :rose::rose::rose:

در چالش این هفته ازتون میخوام بگید اگر شما یک معلم زبان انگلیسی بودید از چه روش هایی برای اموزش زبان استفاده می کردین؟ میتونید از تجربیات خودتون در مسیر رسیدن به این هدف هم بگین

برای حمایت از ما کلیپ هارو در شبکه های اجتماعی به اشتراک بزارید و مارو دنبال کنید.

تلگرام اینستاگرام آپارات یوتیوب

11 پسندیده

Hi there.
If I were an English teacher I would eliminate all the textbooks first and then I would be a coach for my students rather than being a passive teacher.
What I mean is that I would tell them that go and expose yourself to real English materials as much as you can. For instance, I would give them some schedule from Zabanshenass app for next week and then I would check his or her improvement. Is short, I would show them the way instead of taking them there. Because in my opinion, It’s up to them not to me. Aside from that I would have conversation with them in English.

10 پسندیده

حتما، اون از واجباته. البته چون من دارم مصاحبه میشم ممکنه بخاطر استرس و این داستانا فراموشم بشه، حتما تو پی‌.وی برا آقا کامبیز بفرستین اونجا اشاره کنن

3 پسندیده

من تو این زمینه تجربه خاصی ندارم پس آروم آروم میرم سمت افق :joy::walking_man::walking_man::walking_man:

2 پسندیده

Hi friends
If I were an English teacher, instead of using hard and difficult books like that Interchange
I tried to get started with simple English language music I chose music that gave the students simple words like colors, days of the week, and …Teach students instead of conversations in the books allow me to talk about a specific topic and not only do not practice conversations in the book

4 پسندیده

باید به انگلیسی بنویسید

1 پسندیده

Try to be consultor not authority in the class.
Pay attention to students feeling(like CLL method)
Use students native lg when it is necessary ( specially grammar)

3 پسندیده

.:bouquet::bouquet::bouquet: Hi my dear friends :rose::rose::rose:
If I were a teacher of foreign language, I would only teach my class with poetry and music and other languages to my class.
Personally, I love music and music and learn a lot easier to train everything with songs and songs and music. Every human being has become rampant and epidemic.
It’s a very exciting way to play.
I would have used it to learn.

متن درست؟؟اشتباهی نداره؟؟

3 پسندیده

a foreign or the foreign

1 پسندیده

۱دنیاتشکر فدای توجه تون :bouquet::rose::bouquet::rose::bouquet:

1 پسندیده

Hi dear friends
I think the best method for learning English is TPRS technic. In this technic you learn English with a story, you learn vocab in a story, you learn grammar in the story.
You can see more information about this method here :point_down::point_down::point_down:

Thank you, Mr. Kambiz @YoKambiz For share this article with us

1 پسندیده

If I were an English teacher I would try to light the soul
of as many students with the light of knowledge as were possible. To be a
perfect teacher is quite a challenging task. So, first of all, I would make my
knowledge and teaching skills of the highest standard. Children learn more
indirectly, I would ensure I presented myself as a perfect role-model of
discipline, conduct, dedication, responsibility, and enthusiasm for learning.

3 پسندیده

Dear Hana, I’m so so sorry for delay. I will try to participate in this challenge more and better and of course on time.
Here is my opinion. :point_down:

If I were an English teacher, if I had the authority to choose my own method, my own material and teach based on them, I would apply some interesting materials and methods. For example I would give my students a short story or a part of a movie with its transcript and told them to read the story or watch the movie at home so they could talk about them in the class the next session.
I would bring movies to class and play it for them, then I asked them to analyze its scenes one by one. So they could express their ideas about it.
I definitely encouraged them to listen intensively to materials which they enjoy the most. I would want them the results of their listening every session. I asked them to be active in class and speak very clearly and loudly and I managed the class in its right direction which is to make students happy and make them learn effortlessly.
And for beginners I would try to teach based on cartoons, nursery rhymes and kids songs.

I would make my class interesting and my students happy. I sometimes talked to them about some important topics such as motivation, goals, confidence, etc to keep them on track.

Finally, I would be always update about new methods and materials to teach and perform better day by day.

لطفا دوستانی که توانایی دارند، زحمت فیدبک رو به عهده بگیرند. من هم اگه وقت کنم حتما انجام خواهم داد

5 پسندیده

Hi dear Parvin, Not a problem
I think that there’s always time to participate in this challenge
Thank you for participation :rose::rose::rose:

2 پسندیده