Let's talk about everything

The word “talk” sounds a little misleading; it’s better to say “let’s have a conversation” (cause I’m not going to send voices).
Hello guys! I’m going to talk about everything that comes to my tiny little mind. It may be offensive to some, But bear in mind that a human have the right to freedom of speech and no opinion is offensive if it’s just an expression of thoughts and it doesn’t contain any insults. You can ask me questions and I have an obligation to answer them (It sounds too formal, innit?).
I appreciate if you criticize my writings. I actually had the phrase “lambaste me” in my mind but I suddenly realized I will get mad; I have a tendency to get mad about unkind criticism. I’m joking of course; please feel free to mention all of my mistakes; I count that as an act of endearment. If you want to write your own thoughts here, feel free to do so. I greatly appreciate it. Please unpick this text first and tell me what’s wrong with it!

The words which I used for the first time:
bear in mind: مد نظر داشتن
freedom of speech: آزادی بیان
expression of thoughts: ابزار افکار و عقیده
obligation: تعهد
Innit: مگه نه؟
lambaste: کوبیدن و انتقاد شدید کردن
endearment: مهربانی
unpick: موشکافی کردن

Thank you so much!

7 پسندیده

Hey what’s up?
This is the first time that i am using this app.l really appreciate of those who made this app.it helps me to improve my English and talk to people like u that have great English.so I am here to talk about everything :upside_down_face:

3 پسندیده

Thank you for joining me! As I hinted before, my fist topic is going to be a bit of controversial.
It would be God.
I’ll prepare it for latter.

4 پسندیده

Let’s talk about God
I try to keep it short (but I cannot promise)

When you get born, you born into a decided, particular belief system; you have no control over it. Society chooses many things for you and your religion is one of that damn things. Wait… first of all, let me put your minds at ease: I don’t believe in God. (but try not to be judgmental). An atheist is someone who doesn’t believe in any god or religion, but I’m not an atheist. I consider myself an agnostic. What’s that you ask? It’s someone who believes that they cannot know whether God exists or not. What’s the logic behind that, you ask again? Let me put it this way: When someone tells you something that you can’t decide if it’s true or not, you can first believe it, or second, just don’t. But there is one little option left. You can choose not to decide (as simple as that).

The history of religion has an abundant amount of killings, a tremendous degree of agony, but what the religion got in return for society? I believe it’s nothing; nothing at all. Humankind has a fundamental and emotional need for certainty. Naturally you cannot live with uncertainty. When I was a child my teachers always told us religion is in nature of human; now I know it’s really not. You just need something to make you sure of things witch you don’t comprehend. However, if I know this need of mine and try to cope with it, I don’t see I need to be religious.

I have a lot to say, but let’s keep my promise and talk less!

So, do you believe in the existence of God or not? Does it help you?

If you feel you have something to add, or simply want to question my opinion, you can participate in the discussion.

The words which I used for the first time:
belief system: سیستم عقیدتی
put your minds at ease: خیالتونو راحت کنم
agnostic: ندانم‌گرا
tremendous: فوق‌العاده زیاد
abundant: فراوان
cope with it: کنار آمدن

Thank you!

4 پسندیده

Sorry for the typo

3 پسندیده

(نوشته های ارسال شده توسط نویسنده،بصورت خودکار در 1 ساعت حذف می شود مگر اینکه پرچم شود)

1 پسندیده

Please don’t send spam.
If you read the first post, you’ll understand my point of view.
This is a discussion, not a cry for help.
Thank you for your consideration.

(If you write in English, we can talk)

5 پسندیده


I don’t want to make it long either so let’s get straight to the poin.

But before everything I ought to say that I’m not going to admit or reject your verdict. I will tell you my purpose

As you said when we hear or see or however we absurb any information , we have three choices: accepting, denying, or just simply back off and stay quiet.

But wait… Is it that easy to just say “I Do NOT KNOW”?
At first it seems so convenient but when think about it, it turns out it’s not as easy as we expect.
If someone claims that he doesn’t know sth, sometimes he has to prove it.

There is a fair question though.
prove it??? How?? Being hesitated is a feeling in my heart, how can I explain it?

Here is the point, this guy must prove his beliefs by refuting the arguments, which others who claim they know the answer have presented. Not only those who accept, but also those who deny.

I mean religious people say they have some one_ hundred_ percent _ sure answers and also atheists are also pusing some completely certain arguments that God doesn’t exist.

They have to prove their own opinions in addition to refuting each other’s arguments.
So an agnostic must refutes thier arguments both. That is not easy, is it?

In conclusion I again say that by this article I didn’t intend to say that your belief is wrong or mine (whatever it is) is right.
I just wanted to make you notice that it’s not as simple as it sounds.

Both religious and atheists must take a long journey to prove their own beliefs but agnostics must also pass this way along even much more because thay have to fight both of them not just one of them.

I believe that you don’t base your view on this because the answer is so easy as you may know.

I think there is a misunderstanding
This sentence is so famous among religious
individuals but it does not mean as it sounds.

One more thing
Your topic has a lot to discuss, but here is not the right place.
I am done here but I suggest stopping this conversation here and start a new one otherwise I think your topic will be locked.
If there is anything left we can talk in private chat.

4 پسندیده

Your point of view is very good, but I believe being an agnostic is easy outside and very hard inside; (Keeping aside that society expect you to not exist). You have to take a label which is acceptable to society. Just to mention: believes are not thing that you have to be ashamed of. a modern society let people talk, and mere talking doesn’t hurt (except to ones who are narrow-minded; no offence to anyone)

So what does it mean?

Let me see! It’s English; it’s for writing skills; we’re in an English teaching forum; so it’s the right place, I think. Keep in mind: this topic is educational. You can learn from it. I can not go to a guitar class and suggest they have to close it, cause I don’t like it. If anyone wants to talk about things, we talk (it’s just talk, doesn’t kill).
Anyhow, I really appreciate your participation. Evidently your a wise man. Thank you so much!

3 پسندیده

For the next week, I’m thinking of “Veganism”

3 پسندیده

I think you got me totally wrong

There are some misunderstandings

I never said that being an agnostic is easy from inside, on the contrary I said it’s so hard because you have to study all the theories about God and refute them all and I’m sure it’s so hard.

I never said that you should be ashamed of your veiw

I never said you must be quiet and do not experss your opinions.

Another misunderstanding
I did not say that I will close your topic
I meant that this site has some rules.
If sb disobays them the people who are in charge here will close the topic.
One rule is not to talk about things that likely will end up fighting.
I’m not fighting anyone but this topic has this potential so I just recommend you before it happens.
If you want, you can keep on. I am not forcing you let it go.
(I thought you said “do not be judgemental” :wink:
Also I didn’t say I don’t like it either

as I mentioned here is not the place.

3 پسندیده

I admit I didn’t completely understand your first post. It sounded that way to me; I didn’t judge you, it was a wrong take-away. :smile: Thank you for clearing that up.
If you knew me, you probably would know that I will not fight about believes. I cannot be agnostic and fight for persuading people (doesn’t make sense). A good topic, also, can end up acrimoniously, If we got scared of something that didn’t happen yet, we never start anything, so I don’t care about arguing. I said from the beginning, criticize me and my thoughts!
You’re a good man, Hussein.
By the by, I sound like Charles Dickens, don’t I? (mean too formal)

3 پسندیده

Thank you. You too

I thought I was too formal :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

4 پسندیده

Who’s a vegan?
Let’s take a step back and start from vegetarianism [گیاه‌خواری].
I assume everyone knows who’s called a vegetarian, but for the sake of the topic, a vegetarian (or a veggie) is someone who doesn’t eat meat, but they may eat fish or dairy products [محصولات لبنی]. And a vegan may be a step forward; A vegan is someone who doesn’t eat meat, fish, dairy products and as a whole they don’t consume animal products [محصولات حیوانی] altogether, like clothes, shoes, bags and etc.
Most of us see a vegan as an unreasonable [غیرمنطقی], abnormal [غیرعادی] creature who’s more like a hippie [هیپی رو سرچ کنید], but that’s not true.
We think like this, just because the media [رسانه‌ها] persuaded us that eating meat is a healthy habit and anyone who refuses to eat meat is an unhealthy and a strange person. Since the most of the media are under the auspices of [تحت کمک و حمایت] big and influential companies, they deliberately make people believe they must use their products, otherwise they’re not in their right mind [عقلشون سر جاش نیست].

One can think of three main reasons for becoming a vegan:
1: eating animal protein [پروتئین حیوانی] is not as healthy as everyone thinks (The first cause of many heart diseases [بیماری‌های قلبی] or diabetes [دیابت] is the consumption [مصرف] of meat).
2: producing animal products causes a huge amount of harm to the planet (18 per cent of greenhouse gases [گازهای گلخانه‌ای] come from factory farms [دامداری‌های صنعتی]; it’s more than 13 per cent of the transformation section all combined).
3: and at last, killing animals for consumption is a cruel and inhumane [غیرانسانی] act.

So if you think being a vegan is not normal, you can explain here why you think that.
If you want to add anything, I’ll appreciate your help.
Don’t be shy! You can comment in one simple sentence. I don’t make you uncomfortable [معذب].

If you want more information about eating and being healthy I add a list of films which they may help you:
The Game Changers (2018) [you have to watch this, it’s an absolutely fantastic film; really eye-opening]
Hungry for Change (2012)
Cowspiracy (2014)
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead (2010) [it has an Australian accent, and a sequel, if you must know]
Forks Over Knives (2011)

The list goes on and on; if you want, you can ask me to give you the whole.
Thank you (I’ll probably see you next week).

4 پسندیده

65 مگابایت

2 پسندیده

By the way, there’s a big mistake in my text; can you find it?

2 پسندیده

Just to break the silence:

Do you think children learn faster? If they do, why is that?
Learning is not something that differs from age to age. It’s not the age factor that affects the learning process. The main factors are level of focus, good mood, free time and experience (or maybe other things which I cannot recall now). A child and an adult have a different sense of focus. Sometimes an adult is more concentrated than a child. A child is happier and have more free time (but again, it differs from time to time). And the last but not least: experience. The most fundamental element of learning is learning itself. The more experience you have in learning, the faster you get. If you read and learn 20 pages every day, after a while your brain expands and you can read 40 pages; and again, a little later, you can read 80 pages and so on. It’s just like growing muscles. If you lift up a particular amount of weight every day, your hands’ muscles get stronger. Your brain is just a muscle, and it grows with learning.
You can find people around you who cannot learn easily. They always say: “I’m too old to learn new stuff”. That’s not the real thing that happens. It’s not the age. They definitely stoped learning a long time ago, maybe even a decade or more. One of the most important rules of the world is this: Use it, or lose it. It means if you stop using something, you lose its privilege. They’ve lost their capability of learning. Even if you don’t use your hands, they lose their strength. The only way of learning is repeating and repeating and repeating…
So if you want to learn something new, stop complaining and start repeating what you wanna learn, and never stop.
Have a pleasant day. :cherry_blossom:

2 پسندیده

There are a few mistakes which I noticed:

and etc. (doesn’t need “and”)
not in their right mind (needs s at the end)
transformation section (is transportation section; this mistake was not on purpose, I’m just a moron)

There might be more.

2 پسندیده

They made us addicted to food.
Most of us don’t know what MSG is. MSG is a kind of additive that about 80% of processed foods contain it. For understanding the harm of it, let’s ask have you ever seen an obese animal? I don’t think so. So how laboratories find fat mice and other animals for vivisection? They feed their animals MSG. It makes them fat and ready for tests. As I mentioned, most of our processed foods contain this additive; it addicts us to food; it gives us the potential of getting fat; it makes us consumers of voracious companies.
So if you care about your health and even your feelings, pay more attention to your nutrition. Why I said “your feelings”? You must know that lack of certain vitamins in your body, causes depression and getting oversensitive. When you feel hungry it means your body needs many types of nutritious food and eating processed food gives you a false fullness. You forget that you need vitamins. Your body is hungry from inside, but you don’t know it.
So eat more fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, etc. and stay healthy.

4 پسندیده

I apologise.
I know sometimes it’s irritating to see another person’s showing better results. It’s really common to compare ourselves to others and maybe it gets a little scary (I do that too). And thus, we don’t know what to do with this feeling, so we decide to hate ourselves or even them. I know I had my audience, maybe I scared them off, so I decided not to continue this page. But I won’t stop writing (as before). I have a journal which I write in it every day (it’s a software called “The Journal 8”; you can try it too). I don’t want to make a bad effect on none of you; but after all, having a group to listen to me, I could’ve learned something, and maybe -If I’m not being pretentious- teach them a little too.
In every situation in our lives, we seek joy and try to prevent pain. It’s another rule of the world. But for the sake of success, sometimes we must bear pain to gain something big. You can ask a successful person what to do for getting to their point, but as Tony Robbins says: “It’s better to ask them how they think”. What I’m trying to say is, if everyone thinks they have to run away from pain, (and they gain nothing), you should think differently, and accept the pain to gain something; be different. Don’t run from making mistakes. Don’t feel embarrassed about making a fool of yourselves (It eventually pays off).
So, I apologise for making you uncomfortable.
(Back to my routine).

Thank you, guys.

2 پسندیده