So I’m a fortune person
Is he going to kill us ?
Yes because you really rich
Sorry if I type incorrectly sometime I’m a beginner
Are you looking the other way?!
Now, she / he comes herself / himself, here, and reads and likes all these commnts of ours.
She or he?!
I think she’s a young lady
Not, really. He / She is such a good kid!
It’s no big deal … No biggie
You’re absolutely lucky.
I do not understand what mean
Did I say something bad ?
You say “he”, but I think she is a girl,
Noting bad about it,
We just have different filling about the murderer
Profile of the known name of the killer
Being threatened is a routin here .
Mr. Mashreghi keeps a hate list and as far as I know everyone’s name is in that list except a few.
Try not to get in that list.
so little by little the characteristics of the killer
become clear
Are you talking about me? (Be careful! Don’t play with fire.
By the way, thank you for leaving open the possibility of me being a “she”.
Did you laugh about it? You just added your name into the list.
It’s worse than capital punishment.
Where did I put my hate-list?
No, no, no! Not about you. I’m crossing my heart … It was about another person. I wasn’t talking about you.
That’s good! I’m watching you though!
It was only a matter of time before you put my name in that list, wasn’t it? I just gave you an easy excuse.
But I bet you won’t have a chance to add Mahabbat’s name to that list. She is beyooooooooooond kind.
Throw away your hate list out reach
Give it time and we’ll see.
The list is danger danger