زنگ تفریح بچه های زبانشناس 🔔

Are you still alive?! :expressionless: (:joy:)

7 پسندیده

Hello grandpa, where are you ?!
Yeah I’m alive :smile::crossed_fingers:
You want something else ?.. :neutral_face:

7 پسندیده

One foot in the grave. :smile: my child!

Yes, I need 50 million euros, if you have it on you. :neutral_face:

And three bottles of red.

7 پسندیده

Nope. I meant for once I can’t explain my feelings and ideas in a way that it would be easier for others to understand.

:roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

7 پسندیده

I haven’t read it or even heard of it but it looks like a great book.

8 پسندیده

Just 50 million euros ?! :smirk::roll_eyes:
It’s nothing for me to pay :joy::smile::crossed_fingers:

Red nope…:-1:
Just help your self with water :ok_hand:

7 پسندیده

:joy: Thanks!

:joy::joy: Well, because I don’t want to talk there

:joy::joy::joy: You gotta admit, this was too “high school”
Come on! We’re not 16 anymore :joy:. I need to be 10 years younger to get offended by this.

Well yes, that’s true. But I meant, we all have feelings and stuff, but they’re nothing more than what they actually are. It’s not something pure and magical.

Why do we have to give a deeper meaning to everything? Why are we trying to put a good spin on everything?

7 پسندیده

And why on earth is that?! :neutral_face:
You mean If I stated the same thing here, you would say that I’m wrong?

Because they have deeper meanings!

7 پسندیده

Oh, no. I didn’t mean that “you” do :sweat_smile: Sorry
It was just a rhetorical question.

I just meant this

I get that :grin::ok_hand:

Well, yeah :grin::v:

7 پسندیده

:joy: It’s complicated

Exactly :sunglasses::joy:

I’m afraid I’m gonna need proof

7 پسندیده

No you wouldn’t.
What would you exactly tell me?

7 پسندیده

“I guess by “soul” you mean their personal taste, their character”.

But yeah, you’re right. I wouldn’t :sweat_smile:

7 پسندیده

Damn! :sweat_smile:

Yep, I humbly admit (and I admit another thing too; I don’t know exactly what I’m admitting to :smile:).

Not that there’s anything wrong with being 16 or 17, guys. Just saying. :smile:

The creation of the world is magical but:
Yes, I know what you mean. You’re too realistic. Giso is too dreamistic (that’s a made-up word), but if you could read between my lines, I’m saying “I’m a pessimistic believer” (even believing in science). Do you know what is funny though? Being realistic has such a charisma; it looks good, but the “reality” that is a part of the word is more like “flowing with the current”. They just follow the beliefs that others tell them they’re real. I admit that a part of me accepts that, but that’s the reality made of my own beliefs, not the facts. We actually don’t go after finding the reason’s behind all the facts. We just hear and believe they are true and correct, and we don’t find them ourselves. Do you think being a Vegan is more realistic or being a carnivore? You must choose between two completely opposite scientific facts. But a believer has the privilege of assurance and a make-believe certainty. And another thing is, considering something “real” and another “unreal” according to the words of a bunch of so-called “scientists”, is not such a strong argument. What I’m saying is we all are believers, believing in our own judgments (we cannot be realistic, cos we can’t prove, or disprove, everything). We are believers (all of us; some less, some more).
We just accept the proofs that we find worthy. We’re all alike.

All in all, we are NOT good judges. So F the world and all of its meanings. :smile:

:joy: :joy: (:zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face:)

7 پسندیده

It’s not character. It’s downright part of you. I meant it literally. They can represent sorrow, loss, joy or whatever lurks inside you. I don’t mean copying other people’s work but creating sth yourself. They can’t put that down to genes or body’s way of responding. And you wouldn’t say that because you know it’s right.

7 پسندیده

Yeah, I know. And, yes, you’re right. But that’s a whole other thing.

That’s what I’m talking about.

Worst-case scenario: Let’s say it’s all nothing but lies
That still doesn’t justify believing in things without any proof.

And I’m not saying that we have to believe in science or anything. It’s just when scientists say “Hey guys, we’ve found something.” they are actually talking about experiments and some things that exist :joy: They have proof. They know what they’re talking about. They give all the reasons. All we need to do (as non-believers) is to perform our own experiments, and then we can say “Hey, you were wrong!”.
And that’s the difference

Actually, it is. It’s the strongest possible for normal people who can’t perform their own experiments :joy: One side, has its own reasons, and the other one, has none. I think that’s strong enough.

Yeah, sure. But we still can discuss our beliefs :grin:

I didn’t get that.
You mean, they can’t say that art is created by our brains?

6 پسندیده

No I’m not. I’m not dreaming. I’m talking based on what I feel. I’m not creating sth but I’m trying to figure out the thing which is already there.

I’m thinking of the way I feel for my brother and see no way to put it all down to what my body and creation urges me to do.

6 پسندیده

Of course our brains have control over it. But that’s not the point. When you create a piece of art it’s like it’s part of you. Like a piece of you. And yeah, I’m talking about how it feels but there is no other way to explain.

I’m done talking about it. :expressionless: :joy:
I’ll never be able to give you proof. There is none! Just some gut feeling I have and there is no way explaining such things.

8 پسندیده

This makes it very weak, cos we don’t know much. But if it satisfies you, you can accept them. (I’m joking, you’re not wrong [utterly :joy:]). Actually it’s the science that controls the way you think, and politicians control the science. It’s not completely trustworthy.

THE bottom line was the above-mentioned “F” :joy:. As a “skeptic and pessimistic believer” I don’t even see any point in proving things (except it’s fun to talk to you guys).

@gisoo13 You’re probably focusing on moralities as an intangible example of the existence of something spiritual and Matin is focusing on the physical act of love (THE bottom line, in a way :sweat_smile:) as an example of living in a material world. But when I said “love doesn’t exist”, I meant more like: people care and love only if you have a use for them, but they respect you because of something else and that’s better (and the reason is: they want respect too; that’s enough for me, the respect).

Of course, you’re not dreaming; you’re in a coma. :smile: But joking aside, feelings can change. Do not base your thought on them (I think I got it wrong what you said, but who cares :joy:).

8 پسندیده

And you say that now?! I wrote a whole damn book talking about it. :triumph: :rage: :expressionless:

Guys, I’ll see you tomorrow. :tulip:

6 پسندیده

:rofl: :rofl:
In my defence, when I saw your comments, you two had been written two-third of your book. :smile:
And… in fact… in fact, later I learnt Raha meant completely something else and my sentence was utterly unrelated. :neutral_face: So, it’s her fault :confused: :point_right:@yourname. Say things to her. :worried:

Have a magical (:sweat_smile:) night. :smile:

7 پسندیده