تمرین رایتینگ - ورزش

My pleasure :blush::rose::pray:

Same here :grin::ok_hand: I wish there were more of us here

3 پسندیده

The following script is a part of my article published in a medical journal recently. I hope it helps you with doing exercise.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused serious worries for different people, both sedentary and active, about performing any physical activity ¶. In this regard, those with an active lifestyle are more concerned about continuing their routine PA programs in the future due to the highly restrictive rules and regulations set by governments. Under such conditions, the response to the question “is it safe to do exercise like before” seems to be of great importance for a large number of people. Before addressing this issue, it seems necessary to review the link between PA and infectious diseases. Based on the ample evidence obtained through the exercise immunology field over past decades, the immune system is highly responsive to exercise (1-4). According to the j-shaped curve, there is an inverse relationship between exercise intensity and upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). Based on this curve, moderate-intensity exercises (MIE) strengthen the immune system functions whereas high-intensity exercises (HIE) weaken the functions of the immune system (5). Therefore, it seems logical to recommend people doing MIE and avoid HIE to boost their immune system. Coronavirus, like influenza (flu) virus, is an infectious disease, causing URTIs. However, unlike the flu, it is new, and very little is known about it. The available data concerning the relationship between exercise and the viral infection goes back to the series of studies conducted by Woods et al. (6), entitled “Exercise and the flu” on both humans and animals. Woods et al. conducted these studies to understand how acute and chronic bouts of exercise affect the flu and its vaccination. Briefly, findings achieved from Woods’ studies show that both humans and animals can benefit from MIE compared to HIE because both humans and animals subjected to either acute or chronic MIE showed an improved flu vaccination and protection from flu-related death in comparison with humans and animals subjected to either acute or chronic HIE (6). Primarily, such evidence reflects the beneficial role of exercise in preventing and treating infectious diseases. Furthermore, an optimal amount of exercise can have a protective effect on the immune system functions which is important to counteract the risk of COVID-19.

5 پسندیده

I’m active person and I love eny physical activity. my license is about physical education too.
l exercise 5 session in week and l love acrobatic
gymnastics and crossfit sports because these are very complete exercise and work on your every single muscle .I want to be a professional coach.
I think the professional athletes doesn’t make a lot of mony and this period of time is short but if thay work in another field of exercise they cand earm much mony.

5 پسندیده

Hi there :blush::wave:

That was really informative and helpful :pray:
Thank you so much for sharing :rose: Enjoyed reading your article

5 پسندیده

Hi there :blush::wave:

That’s interesting. You must have a lot of information about this topic, then.

Good luck with that :grin::shamrock::crossed_fingers:

I guess that could be true :thinking:

Thank you, for participating :rose::blush:

5 پسندیده

بله حتما

البته مشکل شما با چیزی ک دفعه قبل برا ی نفر توضیح دادم فرق میکنه
ولی درباره اینم نمیدونم گوشیتون چیه و از چه سیستم عاملی استفاده میکنین و کدوم ورژن و غیره
ولی برا خودم تو ریکوردر دیفالت گوشی رفتم تو ستینگ و از اونجا فرمت رو گذاشتم رو mp3
سرجمع برا فرستادن وویس تو تالار مهم نیست از چه ریکوردری استفاده میکنین، مهم اینه که فرمت وویستون mp3 باشه

پ.ن: برا من ی مدت حتی وویسای mp3 هم ارسال نمیشدن تو تالار، ک ب پشتیبانی گفتم، گفتن وویسو ب این ادرس تو تلگرام بفرست و خلاصه قبل اینکه این کارارو کنم حل شد

7 پسندیده

Thank you so much for your help lady.

4 پسندیده