تمرین رایتینگ - ورزش

Hi there :blush::wave:

:joy: Same! How stupid that was…

I’ll try :blush:

I guess you don’t need “the” if you’re talking about talent in general
I overrated talent.

Great analogy
I believe that’s true
We hame some roads that are not quite accessible by bus, though :joy: But still

Thank you, for participating :rose: Enjoyed your views on the matter

5 پسندیده

Hi there :blush::wave:

I tried :sweat_smile: actually, I couldn’t find anything noticeable
You did fine :grin:

:joy::joy: I certainly do

That’s right
You’d only need a good pair of shoes

Thank you, for participating :blush::rose::pray:

5 پسندیده

Hello dear coach and challenging friends :raising_hand_man:
1 .Yes, I exercise most of the time.
2 .days a week or more.
3.Basketball is my favorite sport because I was in this field for 12 years and I also have a 3rd grade coaching card.
After basketball, my favorite sport is mountaineering, which I do most of the time.
4.Yes, exactly, but not all sports, because in our country sports are not completely professional yet.
5.Basketball and mountaineering documentaries.

باعرض پوزش، از مترجم آنلاین هم کمک گرفتم ،به امید روزی که همچون دوستان، روان و سلیس بنویسم
:rose: بدون کمک :palms_up_together: .سپاس مربی فهیم و مهربان :100::rose::clap:

6 پسندیده

Thank you for your attention.
Although I spent a lot of time practicing this exercise, I feel like I’ve progressed.
Thank you🌹

4 پسندیده

Hi guys!!! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::v::blossom:

Yes I love physical Activities and Sports, But I do not think I have much talent in them :grin:
At school, we had the sports bell on the last bell, and we always ran away from school on the last bell :sweat_smile:

At university, I played volleyball, football, and ping pong with my friends, and I was always a normal person (neither expert nor bad) but I was a good goalkeeper. :grin:

Until about 20 days ago, I went to the Bodybuilding gym, but I got Corona and Doctor said “don’t do hard Activities for 4 weeks”, and I can resume Gym for a few more days.
(I went to the doctor again and he changed my medication, because I have allergies at this time of year (autumn) and I don’t think I got Corona, But I don’t go to the gym for observance) :man_shrugging:

As you know, we have forests in our city(Gorgan) and I usually go to forest every weekend, or at least once a week, but from last week our forests were closed because of Corona, but I can go there without car.

I like to play Football and basketball, but usually, I love to watch volleyball, I don’t know why
I do not follow football regularly, in other words, I don’t follow any TV programs regularly.

Professional athletes retire very fast and they professional time is very short and in my opinion, in our country they don’t get a lot of money, and they are not rich (except Football Players) .

In fact, I don’t watch TV much, and I don’t watch sports program a lot, but I love to watch sport in different field like Football, volleyball, sometimes basketball and any sport that catches my eye, Like race car, cycling bike, jumping from height and so on…

I played basketball and football in the high school, and now, I go to the gym.

I started to writing again after a while, Please give me feedback :grin::tulip::rose:

5 پسندیده

Hey guys! :seedling::rainbow::blue_heart:
After a while I participate again and I’m super glad :smile:

Well…Of course I like it actually the second one because it gives me energy when I do it in morning and it safeguards my good feelings.

I’m afraid not…
Although in matinal excercise in school I was the leader but because of Covid_19…At this moment I just do a few calisthenics to augment my safety system.:pinching_hand:

In my book without fail it is Volleyball :volleyball: although I’m keen on Football :soccer: too. As I know my self the main reason is because I prefer to watch team work, in other hand these sports are pretty popular in sport world.

If I go straight to the point there is something wrong in sport world, you know I think people and federation pay more attention to Football I know it is amazing but what’s your opinion about other sports?
For instance: Volleyball, Wrestling and so on…
I fell sorry for professional athletes in other sport fields that really they are defenceless.

Actually Football(Perspolician)and Volleyball nothing else. :v::triangular_flag_on_post:

If it is possible, yes please. :leaves:

6 پسندیده

Uh-huh. I got it. Thank you.


I share your view.
And you know what, sometimes you’re just strapped for cash that you can’t even afford to pay for the bus ticket for Christ’s sake. But…

6 پسندیده

Hi Matin, and thank you for the interesting topics and challenges one after another. Keep them coming please :slight_smile:

I actually like physical activities and sports. They make us feel energized and refreshed and more importantly, they give us a sense of achievement, which is great
However, I have to admit I haven’t been as physically active during the pandemic as I was before, but I’m trying to get back on track
My favorite sports to watch :slight_smile: are football, and tennis. But the ones that I actually do and enjoy are Yoga, Pilates, swimming, and a little bit of Karate a long time ago.
As for professional athletes and their income, I think in this modern world, whenever something gets tied to the entertainment industry, the money and the payments get noticeably higher. So it’s no surprise that professional athletes make a lot of money. I believe football, basketball or tennis players have remarkably higher incomes than for example a badminton player.
I think it is not totally unjustified though, since a professional athlete dedicates all their time and energy into practicing very hard, and usually after a certain age, they can no longer continue to participate in sport events or leagues, at least not on the same level, so the income will stop or decrease . Their career has shorter life span than that of a lot of other professions.

8 پسندیده

Hi there :grin::wave:
Welcome to our little challenge :pray::rose:

خواهش می‌کنم، کاملا راحت باشید. استمرارتون قطعا نتیجه‌بخشه :blush::v:

Yeah, I can vouch for that :grin:

Wow, that’s interesting! It’s my favorite, too. A super interesting sport

I guess that’s true. So many games we’re not aware of…

Thank you, for participating dear Abbas​:blush::rose: I’m so glad you joined us :grin:

5 پسندیده

My pleasure :rose:

Sure :grin::ok_hand: Hard work always pays off

4 پسندیده

Hi there, dear Mehrab :blush::wave:
Welcome back :grin:

I’ll try :grin::rose:

Actually, talent is a countable noun.
So, you can use “a lot of” instead

You can say:
Our last class/subject was PE (Physical education)/gym class

:joy::joy::joy: Unbelievable

an average* player

Oh, sorry to hear that. I’m a victim, too :man_facepalming: I wanted to start going to the gym… Bad timing

Yeah :heart_eyes::v: The best thing about the city






in high school

Thank you, for participating :blush::rose: You did a fine job :v:

5 پسندیده

Hi there, Reyhaneh :blush::wave:
Glad to have you back :grin:

Sure :blush: I’ll try

in the* morning

I guess you can say “morning* exercise” instead

for your body, you can say “boost my immune system”

on* the* other hand

the* sports* world

the* federation/the ministry

I guess you can say
“Because they really are vulnerable”

Persepolis fan*

Thank you, for participating :blush::rose: You did fine :v:

5 پسندیده

Hi there, dear Shaghayegh :blush::wave:
Thanks for your kind words, I will try my best
And a great honor to have you here, btw :grin:

Exactly :ok_hand: It’s a great deal but I guess it’s always overlooked.

Good luck with that :shamrock::crossed_fingers:

Exactly, I totally agree

I believe that’s true. So, they kind of deserve the money they’re being paid.

Thank you, for participating :blush::rose: Enjoyed your views on the matter

4 پسندیده

Thx for your attention :+1::pray::pray:

I am always fascinated by your conversations, their answers and their interactions :star_struck::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes:
thanks a lot com :+1: :pray:

3 پسندیده

I’m would not consider myself an athletic Person or even in that regard physically fit so much But In this few month of spring and summer I’ve Started to RUN and it has changed my life , sure it was not so Easy in the Beginnig, But after a few Weeks of waking up4:30 Pm in the morning and going outside in the complete and absolute Void of Darkness and Tracking the light of each and every Lamppost on the Street and Running Toward it while hearing the sound of Dugs Barking at you is Terrifyingly Amazing, now you might think I’m Crazy but Which I think most of you will but I like to look at it as an investment, Let me give you an example, if A Person He/she spends several years of his/her life Smoking, it also can be
considered as an Investment but with a different outcome Such as most likely lung Cancer, and my own grandfather was himself was the victim of such Investment, it the end it’s all up to yourself to Invest Your life in whatever you like And in my opinion Sport is one of the choices that every Regardless of race, gender, age and of any cultural Background Should consider Investing Time On.
you are an wonderful Person and i wish you all the best Investments for your life :slight_smile:

6 پسندیده

No need to thank :blossom::blossom::blossom:
Thanks a bunch :pray:

2 پسندیده

Thank you, I finally found a fellow citizen in here :smile:

3 پسندیده

My pleasure :blush::rose:

That’s so kind of you :grin::pray::heart:

3 پسندیده

Hi there :blush::wave:
Welcome to the forum :grin::rose:

That seems really lovely :ok_hand::star_struck: Good for you
I’m suddenly feeling the urge to start running :joy:

Of course not! It seems like so much fun! The scene you described looks absolutely amazing

You’re totally right
Thanks for your beautiful words :rose::pray: and for participating.
Enjoyed reading your essay :blush::rose:

4 پسندیده

My pleasure :blush::rose::pray:‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

3 پسندیده