English Chit-Chat 🧑‍🎓

I don’t know exactly which ones you mean. I don’t use cyberspace often. But personally I’ve seen two kinds of motivational stuff. One of them are these videos with narrator and music. I must admit, I quite like them. But oh my god, have you seen these pictures that they’re like, “You are great. Today is a great day. You can achieve everything that you want.” They sound stupid. I have a colleague. She sends me these pictures of “if you think positive you will achieve positive”, every morning. Once I got very tired of even looking at them and I told her “I don’t believe in these stuff. But it’s very endearing knowing someone who cares about how other people start their day. That’s the only positive thing that I accept about these pictures you send me”. I still get them. It’s driving me crazy. I don’t even look at them anymore.

1 پسندیده

Funny! I definitely should keep that in mind. :rofl:

I too, am much obliged to you for your invitation. Whenever I found myself some time to spare and energy to go social again, for a change, :sweat_smile: I sure will come here and participate. I promise you that.

And about the book, I rather ask him first to tell me what is his objective in wanting to read books in the first place? I can’t help but suspect common courtesy, eh? :face_with_monocle:

2 پسندیده

And why of all places Thailand, may I ask? What makes it special there? Why not, say, Australia?

2 پسندیده

I personally find some of them a bit, like you rightly pointed out, fake. Yes, that’s the word for them. And that’s because they give you the notion that everything is possible and achievable and a bunch of gibberish like that when in reality, more often than not, things do not work that way. This world is basically not a wish-granting factory, I believe.

2 پسندیده

I’m a little bit skeptical if it’s always the case. I mean, does anyeone really care about how you begin your day? there might be some other hidden motives. I think sending those massages, is the cheapest way to show that you are caring about someone, isn’t it? that might be an investment for future exploits!

1 پسندیده

People are so nice, helpful and simple there. Nature is beautiful as well, and the vibe I always get when I’m there:) and it’s so cheap living there.

1 پسندیده

Is the sweat drop on your emoji’s forehead an implication of “I’m not sure that happens often”? :neutral_face: I hope it’s not the case and we see you every time here. :smile:
Ok, about the book. Common courtesy? I don’t think so. Recently I’m having a health issue. I can’t go out much. Not that I never read, but it’s hard for me to make myself stand still somewhere and concentrate through a novel. So I taught myself to convert a book to it’s audio version, and listen to it while I’m working or biking. Now that I cannot move (thank you, God :expressionless:), I want to try reading something that keeps me interested and holding my spirit up (no, nothing with the title “fifty shades” :grin:). I tried a lot of novels before, but I couldn’t finish them. That’s why I asked you about a “captivating” book.

You are good Writers!
When l see My Writing l be sad
But l try be good Writer
I can not write more

1 پسندیده

Why do you care that you are not better than others?
Why do you even care what people think?
If you want to get better, you should try more, not less.


1 پسندیده

I know. I think so too. If I wasn’t going to be polite, I would tell her “please keep me out of this”. But I know her. She’s very nice and kind. I wouldn’t suspect for a moment that she thinks something else by sending these photos (are we thinking about the same thing? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:). Anyway, God bless her.

1 پسندیده

what I talk about when I talk about runing
by Haruki Murakami
it’s also available on Zabanshenas

It is translated in Farsi as well

3 پسندیده

Fair enough. Especially the last part.

2 پسندیده

Well, sometimes people ask me that question not because they’re really interested in my answer but because they think they should. I don’t like it. I don’t know why.

Truth be told, cheap romance stories don’t strike me as compelling either. I can’t stand them. Back to the point, though, there is, in fact, a book by one of my favorite authors, Haruki Murakami, (he really knows what he’s talking about, BTW) that is really commendable and it’s called “Men Without Women”. And it’s not really a novel but a book composed of 7 short stories. I read it in an attempt to gain a better understanding of men but I ended up understanding me a lot more. Unfortunately, I don’t have the audiobook but there’s a website I know that is full of ebooks. I’ll leave the address below in case you needed it.

Oh, I see somebody else has also recommended one of his books to you. :slightly_smiling_face:

3 پسندیده

What are the odds of two recommendations from one author. He must be real good. Thank you, guys.

Let me browse through them, and see how they are. Actually, I’ve already searched about “What I talk about when I talk about running”. Being a novice cycle tourist, makes me understand a little about the idea behind the book. Thanks again.

1 پسندیده

@yektaamir Do you have tattoos?
(Why do I ask? Just for the sake of having a conversation. :slightly_smiling_face:)

1 پسندیده

No, I don’t have any! But I used to be a cycle tourist and a hiker and book addict who had spent some time in a remote cafe in Thailand with Murakami’s books!!

By the way forgot to mention I have download a lot of books from Z-liberary, just hoarding, have’nt read them yet.

3 پسندیده

seriously? or just for the sake of having conversation;)

2 پسندیده

For real?! :neutral_face: What are the odds of this one? (If you say “sike” and call me gullible, I swear to God… :expressionless:). :smile: But it’s so cool. Why didn’t you say something sooner? Oh, by the way, do you know Kamran? I have a feeling you might have seen him in Thailand. :grin:
Anyway, back to tattoos; I never understood the logic behind getting a tattoo. You get a tattoo if you are, first, drunk, or second, forced to get one by a drunk. Otherwise why you must do that? (I’m sorry, tattooed people :grin:).

2 پسندیده

I know him from another topic on this forum, he was busy kickboxing with another guy and I should admit he’s really good at it!

3 پسندیده

Kickbox? What do you mean?