دوره ویدئویی آموزشی انگلیسی عمیق با موضوع « تجارت»

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موضوع امروز " تجارت " یا “Business” هستش. در این ویدئو ها با اصلاحات، افعال عبارتی و عباراتی که حول محور Business قرار دارند آشنا خواهید شد.

افعال عبارتی


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برای دیدن متن ویدئو اینجا بزنید

Video 1: Business English – Phrasal Verbs

Alright, in this video I’m going to talk a little bit about business. And as I’m talking I’m going to use many phrasal verbs that are useful in business contexts, so please listen.

In business, it’s important to work hard in order to get ahead. To get ahead is to be successful, to outshine the competition. If you don’t work hard and you don’t stay focused, your business will fall behind the competition. So do you want to get ahead, or do you want to fall behind?

Most people want to get ahead, and in order to do that, they need to knuckle down, and that means to focus and get the work done, and work hard at it, consistently. You got to knuckle down in order to get ahead.

Now, part of running a successful business, at the beginning, is to drum up some interest in your product or service. So to drum up, right? Imagine beating a drum really loudly. It draws attention to you, and people will come and see what’s the noise all about. You’ve got to drum up some interest. Or, maybe you have a network of possible clients, and you’ll need to go after them. To go after means to try to reach out to them, there’s another one. Reach out to them, contact them, introduce them to the product or service, try to get them to spread the word. You need to reach out to many people.

And you know, if you need help with your business, in terms of getting services or hiring contractors, you might need to shop around a little bit to find the best prices, or to find the right people. You’ll need to shop around, you’ll need to compare different services, different potential workers or employees. And that’s important to shop around if you want to get a good deal.

Now, there are many problems that arise in business, and it’s important to think them over.

So to think over your problems, your challenges, in order to find a good solution. And sometimes that involves looking into a problem, or looking into a situation, to analyze it and figure out what the real issue is so that you can solve the problem, or overcome the challenge. And that involves looking into it. Or maybe someone gives you some data, like marketing data, or some kind of documentation that you need to look over in order to find what you’re looking for. It’s important to look over your sales data, to look over your accounting books, these kind of things. And another way is to go over it, with another person. So if you’re looking at it together, you can go over it together. That means look at it, examine it, talk through it. Go over it, go over it carefully, in order to see if there are anymistakes. Or go over it carefully to find out if you see something interesting in the data that you’re looking at. We often go over reports in meetings, with other people.

And sometimes you don’t understand something, in a report, or in a situation, and you need to figure it out. You need to solve that issue. Figure it out, it’s like a puzzle, you need to figure out things. And sometimes figuring out something involves sorting, sorting it out. To sort out problems, to sort out data. To kind of categorize it, and move it and group it together, clustering. These are processes of sorting. So you have to sort out problems.

So yeah, business is full of problems and challenges. And it requires solutions, and so sometimes you need to draw up a plan to solve a problem. You need to draw up a plan to launch a new product or service. And sometimes drawing up plans involves filling out paperwork. That’s a really boring part of business, but it’s a necessary part. You need to fill out applications, you need to fill out sign up sheets, you need to fill out reports, and that involves entering in information, data, the address of your company, something like this. So we’re all the time filling out forms in business. It’s no fun but you have to do it.

So after you fill out an application you have to hand it in. After you complete a report, you need to hand it in to your boss. Sometimes if you are on a business trip and you come back, you need to hand in your receipts to the accounting department, or something like that. So you’re always handing things in.

Now after you hand something in, the person that receives it might look at it, look over it, and then file it away. To file away something means to put it in a drawer, in a file, for safe keeping, to look at later if necessary, for reference. So file it away, file it away and we’ll look at it later.

Now if you have prepared a report that you’re going to talk about in a meeting, you’ll need to pass it out to other coworkers. So you’ll need to pass out things to other employees. That’s another useful, hand out is another way to say it. Pass out, hand out, like this. Hand out the report.

Now sometimes businesses run into big problems, especially financial problems, and in those situations, it’s important to cut back on expenses. And that means to reduce your expenses. Because if your expenses are too high, you won’t make a profit. And in serious financial situations, you might actually have to do away with certain services you may be paying money for, or you may need to do away with some of the employees that work in your company in order to reduce costs and cut back on expenses.

Now it’s important in a successful business to work together well, to work well together with other people. So that’s based on trust. In order to trust someone, you need to count on them. So when you count on another person, that means you trust that person. You know that they will be responsible and to help you when needed. You can count on them. Do you have people you can count on that you work with? I hope so. That makes for a good working situation.

And there are times when you’re working together with other coworkers and employees that you need to step up. Step up and do extra work, step up and work overtime. Step up to the challenge. Maybe there’s a deadline the next day, and it requires you to step up and work many more hours than you normally would. So that’s important to step up. Or maybe you need to fill in for another person who’s sick or absent. That’s another way of stepping up, by filling in, and taking care of their role within the business. That’s important too.

And actually everybody, whether you’re cleaning the floor in the company, or whether you’re the chief executive, everyone has to chip in. They have to chip in. That actually is a phrasal verb that comes from golf, when you chip the ball it goes high in the air and then it falls like this, so that’s called a chip. And to chip in, that actually also comes from poker, to take your poker chips and throw them into the pot. If everybody chips in, puts all their chips into one bucket, then you have a big ante, you have something there that can be used or dealt with. So that’s to chip in.

Now finally, when you get a product together, or you finally have your service ready to go, you need to roll it out to the public. So imagine rolling out a carpet, like unrolling a carpet, a red carpet. You roll out a new product line. You roll out a new service. You roll out a new product. But you have to be careful not to set the price too high, otherwise you’ll be ripping off your customers, and that’s not good for business. If you charge too much money and try to make too high of a profit, you’ll be ripping people off, especially if you lie to them, or claim that your product is much better than it actually is, you’ll be ripping people off. Don’t rip people off. It’s bad for business, it’s bad for the world.

Now, after you roll out a new product and sales start coming in, you need to report back to your boss, the profits or losses. You need to report back the successes or failures to the shareholders, to people who have invested in your company. So it’s important to report back information that you gather in your research, your market research, or based on your sales in marketing. Hopefully, when the boss or the shareholders look at that report, they won’t be let down. You won’t let them down with poor numbers. The numbers will be positive, right?

They will show a healthy profit, and everyone will be happy. Otherwise you will let them down, make them feel depressed or sad or disappointed.

Okay so that’s enough business talk for one video. I hope you found those phrasal verbs useful, there’s a lot of them there. And if you have any questions about how to use them, or if you’re not quite sure about the meaning, please write us in the forum and we’ll be happy to answer your questions. Okay guys, enjoy.

افعال عبارتی ای که در این ویدئو موجود هستند + معنی فارسی اینجا بزنید
get ahead: جلو زدن، موفق شدن.

fall behind: عقب ماندن.

knuckle down: متمرکز شدن و سختکوشی کردن

drum up: با خبر کردن، تبلیغ کردن

go after: دنبال رفتن

Reach out: تماس گرفتن.

shop around: مقایسه قیمت ها ( همون بریم یه دوری بزنیم خودمونه یه جورایی) برای معامله خوب داشتن

think over: با دقت فکر کردن

looking into: با دقت بررسی کردن

look over: بررسی کردن، چک کردن

figure out: حل کردن، فهمیدن

sort out: مرتب کردن، کنار هم گذاشتن

draw up a plan: نقشه کشیدن

fill out: پر کردن

hand in: تحویل دادن

file away: گذاشتن مدرکی در جای امن

pass out: دادن چیزی به کسی

hand out: دادن چیزی به کسی

cut back: کم کردن مثلا کم کردن هزینه.

do away: تعدیل کردن.

work together well: وجود اعتماد در کاری

count on: رو کسی حساب باز کردن

Step up : با هم موندن کار کردن، اضافه بر سازمان موندن

fill in: جای خالی کسی را پر کردن مثلا چون که غایبن

roll out: پیچیدن یا آماده کردن یه محصول یا سرویس جدید.

ripping off: از دست دادن.

report back: گزارش دادن به رئیس

let down: مایوس کردن

اصطلاحات و ضرب المثل ها


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برای دیدن متن ویدئو اینجا بزنید

Video 2: Business English - Idioms

Hi. In this video, I’m going to talk about some idioms that are very useful and very common.

And all of these idioms contain the word business. Here we go.

The first is business is business. We often use this idiom to explain away negative things that happen to people and communities as a result of business activity, where the focus is on the profit rather than on other things. So for example, if a company must fire or lay off a significant part or portion of its workforce, then we say "Oh, that’s terrible. "All those people, they lost their jobs. "They need to support their families. "They’re really going to struggle.

“it’s going to affect their lives.” And a typical response would be “Well, business is business.”

Right, so the business needs to do that in order to survive. Or let’s say another company, you know, destroys a forest, cuts down all the trees and makes people upset because we need forests, we need trees. They’re important for our environment. But others might say "Well, business is business. “That’s the way it is.” And so you’ll hear people say that to kind of explain away negative things that happen. "Business is business. “Profit is the most important.” I hope we don’t believe that, but some people do.

Now, the next one is strictly business. This is kind of related in some ways. But something or someone who is strictly business means the focus is 100% on business; nothing on pleasure, no personal things. You know, strictly business, very serious. Right, that guy, he is strictly business. Oh no, this meeting that we’re going to have today? It’s strictly business.

Let’s get down to it right now. Let’s get started, strictly business. Some meetings are like that, that are strictly business.

Now, another idiom that you’ll hear is business never sleeps. Business never sleeps.

Sometimes people say money never sleeps. And we use this idiom when we want to draw people’s attention to the fact that business is ongoing, it never stops. In fact, the word business comes from busy-ness. Right, you’re always busy. It never sleeps, it’s 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 12 months out of the year. Business never sleeps, right? It’s always going.

Now, another useful idiom is means business. He means business. She means business. We mean business. So to mean business means to be very serious about something, to be very focused on what you want to do in a very serious, sincere kind of way. When my mother is cooking in the kitchen, she means business. Don’t get in her way! She’s busy, she’s focused on what she’s doing. She means business, like this. Or if your boss is working on a project and she needs your help, she means business. Right, she is all about, very serious, and very focused on, the work. So to mean business means to be serious.

You’ll also hear another idiom, business before pleasure. Business before pleasure. That means you should actually get your business done first, and then later you can socialize.

Later you can play that round of golf. Let’s take care of business first, and then we can play later, we can have fun later. Business before pleasure, okay. That’s a very common idiom that people will say.

Now, someone who means business will get down to business right away. They get down to business! Let’s get down to business! Let’s focus, let’s work now, let’s get down to business.

No more light talk, no more small talk, let’s get down to business. And you could actually say this outside of business context, I mean, any time you want to get a group of people started doing something. Let’s say you’re having a barbecue at your house and people are standing around talking, and now it’s time to light up the fire and cook that food. "Come on guys, let’s get down to business! "Let’s do it, let’s get down to business. "We have a barbecue to create here, “so let’s get down to business.” Same with studying English, you know. You’ve got to get down to business when it’s time to do your studying and do your practice.

Another idiom which is very useful and very common is to take care of business, or to take care of my business. So maybe I’m working at home and someone calls me on the telephone. And I answer the telephone and it’s my friend. And he says “Hey, what’re you doin’?” I say “Eh, I’m just taking care of my business,” which means I’m working. I’m doing things that I need to do. And even if I’m not actually doing work, maybe I’m working around the house, maybe I’m involved in doing my hobby, or whatever it is, you can say “I’m taking care of my business.” I’m just taking care of business. I’m doing the things I need to do as part of my life. I’m taking care of my business.

Now, that’s different than to do one’s business. “Where’s John?!” “Oh, he’s in the toilet, he’s doing his business.” While she was doing her business, the doorbell rang. So to do your business means to go to the toilet. Right, to actually use the toilet. And yeah, that’s a very kind of nice way of saying someone is in the toilet, when nature calls, doing the things that they need to do in the toilet. They’re doing their business.

Now, you’ll hear this one all the time. It’s none of your business. That’s none of your business. None of your business. That means this is secret, this is private, you have nothing to do with it, it’s none of your business. This is my business, right? So it’s none of your business. Don’t read my e-mails, that’s none of your business. Don’t ask me about my personal religious beliefs, that’s none of your business. Who did I vote for in the presidential election? That’s none of your business, it’s my business. So mind your own business. And that’s another idiom that kind of goes together with, you know, none of your business. You can tell someone mind your own business. Mind your own business. That means you stay out of my business, mind your own business. And to mind something means to stay focused on that, right. Mind your own business, stay away from my business. It’s none of your business, like this. Or you could say you have no business! You have no business reading my e-mails, those are my personal e-mails. I might say that to my daughter, for example. She might open up my computer and start reading my e-mails or start looking at my documents. And I might say “Hey, that’s none of your business! Mind your own business! You have no business doing that!” Or if she’s misbehaving at school, I might say “You have no business throwing paper at other children while the teacher is talking.” Right, “You have no business doing that. Your business is to focus on your schoolwork.”

Now, if somebody is goofing around or causing problems, we call that monkey business.

You’ll often hear it said like this: "Hey, no monkey business. "I want no monkey business. "I don’t want anybody causing problems or “doing silly things.” Just like a monkey would do, right? And that’s monkey business. No monkey business! Just do what you’re supposed to do, do it in the correct way. Don’t try to cut any corners or do something differently, just no monkey business! Right, I don’t want any monkey business.

Something similar is funny business. It’s a little bit different. Funny business is when someone does something with kind of a bad intention. For example, a company has an accounting department, and maybe one of the accountants is doing something a little bit strange with the books in order to take a little bit of money for personal use. Yeah, that’s funny business. You don’t want to get involved in funny business. No funny business. Yeah, there’s some funny business going on in that company, and it’s not a good thing, right. So funny business is not actually funny. It’s something that’s kind of like monkey business but with a little bit of a negative thing, where people are trying to cheat or trying to deceive.

Right, that’s funny business. We don’t want to get involved in any funny business.

Okay, a couple of more here. Open for business! We’re open for business! I’m open for business! So to be open for business, literally it’s like when you open your shop and people can start coming inside and buying your products. But you can use this to mean I’m ready to do something, I’m prepared and I’m ready to do it. I’m open for business. Let’s go, let’s do it!

So maybe you have prepared some kind of event at your local community center and you’ve got everything together, you’re ready to go. We’re open for business! Let’s do it, let’s go, let’s get started! We’re open for business, like this.

Likewise, something kind of similar is to be back in business. We’re back in business, right.

So we often use this when something is happening and a problem occurs that brings the event or whatever is happening to a halt. It stops it, and you need to solve the problem. And then, once you solve the problem, you can say “Okay, we’re back in business.” So for example let’s say you’re on a bicycle ride with your friends and you get a flat tire. Uh-oh! Everyone has to stop. You have to get off your bike, take off the wheel, put a new innard to fix the flat.

You know, it takes time. It takes maybe five minutes if you’re fast at it, maybe 10 minutes if you’re not so fast at it, but everyone has to wait for you. So as soon as you fix that tire, pump the air back into the tire, you’re ready to go, you can say “Okay guys, we’re back in business, let’s go.” Back in business. Right, we’re ready to go again after something happened.

Okay, last one is a good one, to be the business. He’s the business! That movie is the business! Wow, that team, they’re the business! So to be the business means to be really cool, to be really awesome. Aw, that’s the business. That book I read, man, that’s the business. You got to read it, it’s a great book. Right, like this. So anything that’s really cool, like really super or really awesome, you can call it the business. It’s the business! Right, like this.

Okay. Wow, lots of business terms in those idioms. Use these! They’re very useful, and you’ll start hearing them now that you’ve been introduced to them. Okay. Again, ask us questions if you don’t understand.

اصطلاحات و ضرب و المثل هایی که در این ویدئو موجود هستند + معنی فارسی اینجا بزنید

business is business: حساب حسابه کاکا برادر

strictly business: معتاد کار

business never sleeps: کار سرپاست ، همه باید کار کنند.

means business: جدی بودن درباره چیزی

business before pleasure: اول کار بعد سایر چیزا

get down to business: بزنید بریم سراغ کار، تمرکزتون رو کارتون باشه.

take care of business: دارم کارایی که نیاز داشتم تو خونه ( اعم از تمیز کردن، تفریح و…) انجام میدم

do one’s business: دستشویی رفتن

none of your business: به کسی مربوط نیست.

mind your own business: سرت تو کارت باشه.

you have no business: تو حقی نداری.

monkey business: خراب کاری کردن.

funny business: خراب کاری به منظور کلاه گذاشتن سر کسی یا شرکتی.

Open for business: حاضر بودن برای انجام کاری

back in business: برگردیم سر موضوع اصلیمون.

to be the business: خفن بودن.

اصطلاحات خیابانی


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برای دیدن متن ویدئو اینجا بزنید

Video 3: Business English - Slang

Business slang, here we go, business slang.

The first thing before anything else that you need to know when talking in business context is how to talk about money in slang terms. And now this is very American English. The first is buck, you gotta know that one, buck. A buck is a dollar, one buck, two bucks, 10 buck, 20 bucks, gimme 50 bucks, it costs a hundred bucks. It just means dollar and the origin of that comes from buckskin. A buck is a male deer. Hundreds of years ago people traded buckskins as a currency. They’d use it as a currency to trade for other supplies. So that was a common thing. That was worth the equivalent of a dollar, one buckskin was worth the equivalent of a dollar and so a dollar at the beginning of the monetary system in the United States became referred to as a buck. So remember that.

One thousand dollars is a grand, a grand. Ten grand, the car costs 30 grand. The house is 200 grand or Gs is another way you’ll hear it. Ten Gs, 20 Gs, $10,000, $20,000. So those are very important money slang terms that you gotta know because people use them all the time.

Okay, the next one is a verb and that is to bootstrap something, to bootstrap a business. A lot of entrepreneurs bootstrap their business. So to bootstrap something means to start it up with very limited resources all on your own without any help. It’s a common way to start up especially web businesses. Dan and I did that at the very beginning. We didn’t have investors, we didn’t have lots of money, we just started a website, bought a microphone, started recording lessons, and we put the business together just between the two of us. And that’s called bootstrapping. So if you hear that word bootstrap it means to start something up with very limited resources and you do it all on your own without any real help.

And it actually comes from another idiom which is to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Bootstraps were these little straps, little pieces of material at the back of the boot that you use to pull on your boot when you’re putting it on. You can kinda loop your finger through the strap and pull it up. It’s on the back of your heel and that’s a way to get your feet in the boot. So to pull yourself up, like off the ground if you fall down whether it’s literal or metaphoric, when you fall down you need to pull yourself back up. Don’t wait for someone else to pick you up. Don’t rely too much on other people, pull your own self up, right? Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. So that’s kind of a similar idea is that you have the power to take care of yourself and to pull yourself up and do it on your own. You don’t need other people’s help like this. Very traditional American idea.

Okay, the next is moonlight, to moonlight. What would that mean? The light of the moon, what would people be doing under the light of the moon. Ah, working. To moonlight means to work an extra job outside of your normal job. So when we started Deep English Dan and I were teachers in the classroom by day and in our free time we started up, we bootstrapped, Deep English. So we moonlighted as internet entrepreneurs. A lot of people these days moonlight to make extra money. Or to do something that they’re really, really interested in.

A lot of musicians or actors do this. They moonlight as musicians and actors but in the daytime they have like a normal job that pays the rent but they moonlight as something else.

When I was younger I moonlighted as a waiter and as a bartender while I had a day job. So that’s what it means to moonlight.

Now, every business, every successful business has a secret sauce, a secret sauce. What is that? Well, a secret sauce if you imagine a successful fast food restaurant that has a sandwich that is really popular, everybody loves it, and the reason they love it so much is because in that sandwich there is a special sauce that is unique to that company, to that fast food company that no other competitors have. It’s unique and nobody knows what’s in it, it’s secret, it’s a secret sauce and that’s what makes their product very, very successful, very unique compared to the competition. So every successful business has a secret sauce of some sort. What is the secret sauce of Deep English? Well, I can’t tell you, it’s a secret, I’d have to kill you, right, like this. A secret sauce. So what’s your secret sauce? In your business, what’s your secret sauce?

Okay, now if you are an entrepreneur and you’re looking for investors in your idea or in your startup business you might have to communicate that secret sauce to an investor, a potential investor and you’ll need what’s called an elevator pitch, an elevator pitch. So let’s start with both of those. An elevator, obviously, is a lift, it’s something that takes you from one floor to the next and a pitch is just like in baseball when you throw a ball that’s a pitch. That starts the play so the very first thing is to start the play, you pitch. And in sales and marketing a pitch is when you make a persuasive argument or a persuasive speech to try to communicate someone to buy or purchase your product or service. So an elevator pitch is a very short description of your business that communicates the main purpose of your business in a way that’s attractive. And they call it an elevator pitch because if you imagine you’re standing on an elevator with your potential investor and you only have maybe 20 seconds, 30 seconds to communicate your business otherwise that person gets off on the next floor and walks away and you won’t have any more opportunity than that. So you need to have an elevator pitch if you are an entrepreneur. That’s really important to communicate your business in as few words as possible.

Okay, the next one is cold call. What’s a cold call? Well, cold means to be cold not hot, to be cold and to call is to make a telephone call. But really what this means, this slang term, is to call someone or contact someone who you don’t even know and they don’t even know you, you don’t know them necessarily and you’re just calling them cold. That means out of the blue, it’s another slang term. Out of the blue, just you cold call them. A lot of salespeople do this. They’ll get someone’s number, they call them up, and they will give some kind of pitch or sales pitch to that person just out of the blue, completely out of the blue. A lot of people don’t like cold calls especially if you’re on the receiving end of a cold call. It can be intrusive and very abrupt and a little bit aggressive. So to cold call others. If any of you have been in sales and marketing you’ve probably done some cold calling to other business or other individuals.

Another slang term that’s related to the use of the telephone is phone tag. To play phone tag.

Tag is a game that children play where one person is it and that person who’s it tries to run around and tag or touch another person and as soon as let’s say a boy is it, a boy named Fred, and Fred touches George, now George is it and he chases all the other children and it’s a playground game. But when you play phone tag with another business person or a friend or anything else, it’s when you call let’s say your associate at another company and that person is in a meeting and so you request that she call you back. And so later she calls you back but you’re in a meeting and then you can’t answer her call and then you call her back and now she’s out to lunch. And then she calls you back and you are also out of the office, et cetera. So it’s going back and forth trying to get in touch with someone but failing to do so.

And eventually when you finally get in touch with that person you can say, "Wow, that was some phone tag we were playing there, wasn’t it? “Man, we were playing phone tag,” like this.

Okay, let’s move on to the next one, low hanging fruit. What is low hanging fruit in a business context? Well, fruit is something sweet that you want to eat and you need to pick it off of the tree and so when you come to a tree and there’s lots of fruit on the tree what do you start with? Well, the low hanging fruit is the easiest to pick because you don’t need a ladder, you don’t need to climb the tree, you can just stand there and pick it. It’s the first thing that people will take. Later when there’s no more low hanging fruit you have to go higher to get it. So in a business sense low hanging fruit are easy sales. So in sales and marketing you start with the low hanging fruit, the easiest way to get the fruit that you need for your business. It’s low hanging fruit. It’s easy, anybody can get it. But, if it’s higher on the tree it requires more risk. It requires a bit more expertise. It requires technology, some kind of tool to get you there like a ladder or a really long saw or something like this to capture the fruit, a big net or something like that. So it’s kind of a metaphor for a business, low hanging fruit. What’s the low hanging fruit in your business?

A cash cow. A cash cow is kind of a product or a service for a company that makes lots and lots of money. I think for Apple, Apple that company has had many cash cows over the years, the iPhone being one of them or the iPod years ago, that was a big cash cow for Apple. So a cash cow is like if you imagine a cow, what does a cow provide? Well, a cow provides milk and you can take the milk and you can sell the milk. So a cash cow, if you think about it in a literal way, it would be a cow that provides you with endless supplies of the best quality milk that you could sell at really high prices and make a big profit on. So everybody wants a cash cow, right? It’s just a very successful product or service is a cash cow for that company. It brings in lots of revenue and makes a big profit.

Okay, let’s move on here and we got a few more to go. When you’re in business you get very busy and sometimes it just gets too much. There are too many things going on and you can become swamped. Have you ever been swamped? A swam of course is a very wet area of land. It’s filled with mud and water and it’s usually kind of hot and sticky with lots of bugs and snakes and alligators and if you walk through the swamp you are very likely to get stuck.

You’ll sink in the mud and it becomes really difficult to walk. And so when you get busy it feels like that. You get swamped, you have so much work that you’re just drowning in the work. You can’t get out of it. Sometimes I feel swamped with all the work I have to do. And it’s not a good feeling to feel swamped. It brings stress onto your body and mind.

Another way to say the same thing is to get bogged down, to get bogged down. A bog is also another word for swamp. So if you get bogged down it means you’re getting caught, stuck in many details or lots and lots of work, getting bogged down.

Now, some people who don’t rise to the occasion when there’s lots of work to do are called slackers. Have you ever heard of that term, a slacker? Maybe you know some slackers.

Maybe you are a slacker, right, who knows? So a slacker is someone who slacks off. Slack is tension. To give slack is to release tension in something so it’s very loose and so a slacker is someone who they just relax, they don’t work hard. They slack off, they’re a slacker. In business, being a slacker is probably not a good way to be successful or anything really in that matter.

Okay, last two. The bottom line. You’ve probably heard this one before. If you haven’t, learn it, it’s important. The bottom line and that’s the most important thing, right? The bottom line and in business that means the profit. What’s the bottom line? If you imagine a big chart with all kinds of numbers of expenses and revenue and salaries and all these different things, all those number matter, those are important but the most important thing is at the bottom, right, your bottom line. What did you actually make in profit. Some companies have large revenue but they have large expenditures and they don’t make a whole lot of profit. Whereas other companies might be very small and they don’t earn very much in revenue but they have very few expenses and they might make more of a profit than a really big, big company.

That’s the bottom line. So in any situation what’s the most important thing? The bottom line.

Let me give you an example outside of business. My children, they’re involved in different activities. My daughter recently took up playing the piano and she practices a bit every day and sometimes she doesn’t feel like it, she feels like slacking off, and other times she gets really into it and she has a performance coming up in a couple of more months. And whether she does well in the performance or not doesn’t really matter, the bottom line is she’s having a good learning experience that’s the bottom line. It doesn’t matter how well she does, she’s having a good learning experience. That’s the bottom line, that’s the bottom line. Children when they compete in sports, the bottom line is not really about winning or losing it’s about learning, having a good time enjoying life, that’s the bottom line. Not everyone agrees with that, right? Maybe some of the most successful teams in sports for them the bottom line is winning not having fun, winning that’s the bottom line. So what’s the bottom line for you?

Okay finally, in my opinion, the best business, the best business is when everybody wins.

There’s no losers in the best business. It’s a win-win situation, a win-win. So you’ll hear that phrase win-win. It’s win-win, it’s a win-win, it’s a win-win situation. And that’s when everyone benefits, everyone profits. The good business is when not only does the business profit but the customers profit from the service or the product that is being offered. And so it’s an equal exchange of energy in good business. In bad business the business may take advantage of the customers or destroy the environment and that’s not good for the whole.

That’s not a win-win situation, that’s a win-lose situation. But win-win, let’s hope that all business in your community is a win-win for everyone like this.

Alright, if you have questions about these slang terms please do ask us either in the forums or email us. We’ll be happy to clear up your confusion or give you some more examples on how to use these terms. Okay, thank you.

اصطلاحات خیابانی که در این ویدئو موجود هستند + معنی فارسی اینجا بزنید

buck: یک دلار

grand: هزار دلاس

bootstrap: شروع یک شغل با کمترین منبع و پول

moonlight: کار کردن خارج از شغل اصلی

secret sauce: راز موفقیت

cold call: زنگ زدن به کسی که نمی شناسید و اون هم شما رو نمیشناسه.

out of the blue: ناگهانی و سرزده

phone tag: به کسی زنگ می نید گوشی رو بر نمیداره بعد اون به شما زنگ می زنه و شما بر نمیدارید و این داستان ادامه داره که به این عمل میگن تگ.

low hanging fruit: محصولاتی که ریسک و سرمایه کمتری بخوان

cash cow: محصول یا سرویسی که یک شرکت ازش کلی پول در بیاره.

swamped: گرفتار کار شدن

get bogged down: درگیر و گرفتار کار شدن

slacker: کسی که خیلی تنبل و کم روحیست تو کار

bottom line: مهم ترین موضوع

win-win situation: موقعیت برد - برد

امیدوارم از اصطلاحات امروز راضی بوده باشید.

موفق باشید

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