چالش وبلاگ terme.javadi4878 چیست بالاتر از شادی ؟

Hello guys :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t2:

finally I convinced myself to create a weblog here.
because this is the easyest way to take part in zabanshenas activities for me.
I’m an introvert person and think alot.
so I’ll share some of my thoughts with you to tell me am I right or not.
see you soon :dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:

24 پسندیده

Congratulations :hibiscus:
It’ll be great to share your thoughts with us. It also improves your writing skill a lot. You can also speak your thoughts loudly for yourself. It helps you improve your speaking ability.

6 پسندیده

Dear terme, I’m happy you to create your blog.
Actually I’m also an introvert person and thinking a lot about a lot of things, I think both of us are contemplating a lot about every thing.
Share your ideas.

5 پسندیده

Thank you Ms Pari .yes you bet.But the more important reason is that I can talk to you buddies and take your interesting opinions :rose::rose::rose:
Dear atusa I’m so happy to see you again .
Finally I saw your image that is good :wink:
thank you for encouraging me :pray:

4 پسندیده

Hi, Welcome to the the weblog challenge, I hope you enjoy and have interesting things for us! :rose:

3 پسندیده

Hello sir
thanks :pray: I am happy that I came back again and I’ll share my first topic asap :sunglasses:

3 پسندیده

We are happy too, I’m sure it would be a great weblog.

3 پسندیده

Emotional struggling

As a human, we have had lots of emotional struggling with ourselves or others and sometimes it had been very painful.
If you looked at your past experiences you would find at least one case.
There are many kinds of emmotional struggling that may happen for each person in a different way.
but any thing that you do emotionally without thinking about it’s side effects would be a kind of emotional struggling.
It happens with your family, friends,or even peaple you don’t know.
Here I’m gonna talk about one of my experiences.
I’ve studied in university for 4 years.although it didn’t have any job opprtunities for me but i could gain lots of experinces.
once upon a time in the classroom ,teacher turned one boys side and told him you’re apsent most of the time .If you 'll be apsent one more I’ll give you zero mark to you.
that boy said: I’m an employee and i can’t come to class regularly.
I haven’t seen my family for months and i wanna go to my hometown this week.
I felt pity for him and decided to help him.
next session i turned him over and told him : i have a book that has lots of information about this lesson .
i can give it to you to write a part and give it to the teacher to gain extra mark.
He agreed and we arrenged to bring it next session.
bur he didn’t come next session and the next session.
and when he saw me he didn’t talk to me anymore.
I swear my life i didn’t have any perpose just help him.
but i got so sad and scold myself to do such a idiotic thing.
i think in these cases we should say a loud none of your buissness to ourselves.
Ill be happy if you talk about your experiences and tell me your oppinion about this matter and if i had any mistakes inform me :pray:

10 پسندیده

Years ago I met a girl who was stuck in a bad situation. She had many problems with her education. I persuaded her to finish school and she made it. She got her pre-university certification. I gave her some English books and test books for Konkur. I always guided her and helped her with her lessons. Finally she was accepted in university and started her study in English Translation. I was so happy for her, because she totally changed her life. I also helped her with her university lessons and essays.
A year later I was accepted in master at the same university. One day I forgot to bring my lap top and I needed to work on my essay. So I went to her room for using her lap top just for an hour with her presence. But she refused to give it to me. I felt so terrible. Not for her behavior just for me being good with such an ingrateful person.
After a long time, she texted me to apologize. I didn’t reply her. And she said “you didn’t help me at all, Mr. Folan helped me and gave me translated and good books”.
After that experience, I promised myself “I will never ever help anybody”.

5 پسندیده

It is absent

I call those kind of people “retarded” :grimacing:

4 پسندیده

thank you Ms Pari for your cooperation :rose:
you bet unfortunately there are some people who think its your duty to help them or underestimate your aids.
we should be aware in these cases and test them by pretending that we need help to understand how they act and do they deserve it or not.
But we know it after people hurt us
here there is a rule and its thet just help people when they ask you

2 پسندیده

Dear terme,you had a beautiful heart, I understand you, you just wanted to help him, but you should know, there are a lot of unfair in our life, but you keep going on.
Help people without thinking about your expectations.
Actually, sometimes we have to care about ourself, but in this situation that you told, you show your kindness heart.
Remember, you are a good person. And don’t break this chain.
I don’t have any experience like this, but when you got older you understand, every thing is not important.
I love your heart dear. :two_hearts::revolving_hearts::heartpulse:

3 پسندیده

Dear pari, you are helping people in zabanshenas, you want to run away from yourself, especially your nature.
you are a good person same as terme,
You are right, you hadn’t a good experience ,but doesn’t break this chain.
I’m so happy because there are a lot of people same as you and terme in around the world.:revolving_hearts::heartbeat:

3 پسندیده

Dear Atousa, on the contrary Zabanshenas is helping me. Everybody’s doing a part here. Like everybody else I’m doing my part. It’s great that I’m here, being with you great guys. I just regret why I didn’t find this place sooner.

About this sentence, you should say: you didn’t have. Hadn’t refers to past perfect tense.

3 پسندیده

I agree with you,

Thank you my dear,

3 پسندیده

Dear Atusa thank you for your compliment i like you si much :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
As you said i will continue helping people and also taking help .
even if people miss understand

2 پسندیده

کسی اینجا هم حضور نداره واقعا در تالار چه اتفاقی افتاده که تمام صفحات از رونق افتادند؟؟؟:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

1 پسندیده

سلام میترا جون
درسته نمی دونم چه اتفاقی افتاده که اکثر اعضای فعال زبانشناس دیگه فعالیتی ندارند
خود منم به شخصه یکم انگیزم افت کرده
شاید به نیروهای تازه نفس نیاز داریم که یه جو جدیدی رو ایجاد کنند
مسئله اینجاست که شور و شوق قبل دیگه نیست
حالا دلیلش چیه و ایا اصلا باید دنبال دلیل گشت نمی دونم
البته اعضای فعالم کم نداریما هستن دوستان پرانرژی همچنان در صحنه

1 پسندیده

سلام ترمه ی عزیزم
بخاطر مشغله های زندگی که هیچکدوم از ما مبرا نیستیم بهرحال قابل درک که هرکسی درگیرکارهای روزمره ی خودش و برنامه ریزی برای آینده وحرکت بسوی اینده باشه.وگله ای هم نیست
اما۱موقعهای هم لازم ورق بزنیم بعضی برگهای زندگی رو وبه بعضی کارهای گذشته که انجام دادیم۱رونقی بدیم
حضور اعضای جدید سرجای خود وجاشون محفوظ وپذیرای تک تکشون هستیم
امابودن دوستان و اعضای قدیمی اولا ۱لطف و صفای دیگه داره و بعدش به محفل گرمی و شور و نشاط بیشتری میده.واز تجربه هاشون دوستان جدید میتونند بهره ببرند.پس خوشحال میشم دوباره تایپکهای قدیمی رابیفته چه از شما وچه بقیه ی دوستان گل قدیمی دیگه:rose::rose::rose::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::ok_hand:

1 پسندیده

نظر لطفته عزیزم
من از خدامه با شما دوستای گل در ارتباط باشم و از کمک ها و نظراتتون استفاده کنم
حرفاتو تایید می کنم و به نوبه خودم وظیفه می دونم که در این مورد قدمی بردارم
مرسی که به من تلنگر زدی :innocent::innocent::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

1 پسندیده