سلام بر دوستان زبانشناسی عزیزم
امیدوارم که حالتون عالی، لبتون خندون و دلتون شاد باشه همیشه
بریم سراغ چالش نوشتاری جدید (میدونم امروز 4 شنبس نه 5 شنبه اما چون یک کار ضروری پیش اومد و فردا نیستم خواستم شرمندتون نشم )
میدونم که واژه مادر یک واژه وصف ناپذیر برای همه ماست. امروز ازتون میخوام ویژگی های یک مادر نمونه از نگاه خودت رو در چند جمله با ما به اشتراک بزاری.
پیشاپیش از مشارکت فعالتون سپاسگزارم
در آخر یک دعا برای همه مادران سرزمینم، اونایی که در کنارمون هستن انشالله تنشون همیشه سالم باشه عمر با عزت نصیبشون بشه و اونا که در جمعمون نیستن الهی که روحشون قرین رحمت الهی باشه
برای حمایت از ما کلیپ هارو در شبکه های اجتماعی به اشتراک بزارید و مارو دنبال کنید.
I will forever be grateful to God for giving me a such a wonderful mother.
She is always concerned about my health and food.
She is gets worried whenever I fall ill and spend sleepless nights sitting beside me.
She wakes up early in the morning, prepares breakfast.
She Buying vegetables and fruits for us.
she cooks food in early morning for us.
She works tirelessly from morning to night.
I always say my mom is a peace of pardise …she is mother she is father she is my everything
She always cares about me …when i got married about 1 year she cooked for me everyday
She didn’t want me to cook and bother myself .everyday she invited me
She is all i have .she never complane abou the difficulty she has .if she is sick she always stand and smile and do everything for us .im crying now that im writting
She is my God on earth
She never let us to do sth .always cleaning the house .always cooking and always kind to all of us …she has 6 childeren and she always good to all of us …when i got married i realized who she is .when im sad i just go to her and she always there for me
She huged me and kiss me and i always have good feeling beside her .my father is died but i never felt that i don’t have a father becuse God has born an angel for us that can be a mother and can be a father at the same time.
I love my mom more than anything in the world
An angelic creature and a sheer reflection of god’s kindness.
When we are talking about mother, We unintentionally feel a kind of relief deep down in our hearts.
Mother is our first friend. When we came to this world, mother’s love was everything we got. Nothing other than that. We were a little, fragile baby. Mother gave us her love, her milk, her life. We couldn’t even live a moment without her.
And after all these years, there is nothing to compensate what she has done for us. I always try to make her feel proud of me and never let her down. That’s all I can do.
I wish a long life to my mother and all of yours and at peace soul in heaven for all who have lost theirs.
I love you Mom.
“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” – Cardinal Mermillod
Hi all.
I always say that if we believe God exists on the earth, undoubtedly she is mother.she creates and brings us up. she is symbol of kindness, tolerance and living.
I think the most important characteristic of mother is her favor and kindness to her children without accounting and without expection of repay.
I wish happiness for all mothers over the world.
Thanks for the challenge.
Hello moms and future moms and all my dear linguistic friends
Mother means life, mother means love, mother
means love. Mother means angel who weeps, laughs and laughs. Mother means the angel who looks at you and lives with every smile.Mother means an angel whose hair is white to grow and says to you, “Be old, mother, pain and blasphemy to me …” Mother means an angel who eats breakfast in the morning quietly until you get up.
A mother is an angel who is worried or sick at night when she is sitting up and worried until morning. The mother is the angel that got tired of you when you were working; though her legs ached, she said, “Sit down, I do my mother …”. Mother means an angel you never believe gets sick or gets old because she always smiles at you in every way. The mother is an angel who cannot bear to see her tears. Mother means all life.
Thanks for the challenge.
Hi, my dear friends.
One of the most important traits for the mother not just great mother, is to accept her responsibility and consider her kids as present from God. Each mother doesn’t need to dedicate all her time to her kids, because she has to teach them being alive, strong and good manager. Unfortunately, mothers especially in Iran think that if they make sacrifices their children will be successful. From emotional standpoint, it is true. But I do not accept it. As a mother, not great mother , I like to learn Ala that loves others and respects herself as well.