Your favorite person

I think the subject “picking up the next subject” has already become a good discussion :wink::wink:
Let’s continue talking about it :blush: :blush::innocent::innocent:

6 پسندیده

If Ms Sepehry doesn’t show up soon, we will
probably end up doing that. :joy:

5 پسندیده

Guys I create a new topic and mentioned you there

5 پسندیده

I don’t think I care for your sarcastic tone, young man. :expressionless:
But yeah, you’re right; it was fun. :sweat_smile:

4 پسندیده

I’m free now
my exams are finished
But why hire is Abandoned

4 پسندیده

Here is abandoned. Come here:

As you tell us how your exam was, think about your three wishes. :smirk:
(You can wish for an A+)

4 پسندیده

ok, frist i must to read old Massage

yes its good but i dont like to born my Wish for one exam grade :expressionless:

5 پسندیده

born :joy::joy::joy:



4 پسندیده

Don’t sweat it. We all make mistakes. :sweat_smile:

So, you’d better have good ones. :smirk:
But I swear to God, if you tell us about your goals instead of your wishes, I will change my wish to you getting an F for your exam. :expressionless:
Enough with this topic already. I’ll see you at the other one. :smile:

4 پسندیده

Hey, you can’t change your wishes, am I right?:thinking:
You’re so angry😡, sometimes.
We need to be careful when you are around.:neutral_face:

1 پسندیده

I will give you a million dollars to know what you wrote and deleted. :neutral_face:

3 پسندیده

Give me the money :moneybag:. Come on.

2 پسندیده

You didn’t let me finish. :joy:

I’ll give you the money, but it’s a fake handwritten cheque. Do you still want it? You can cash it nowhere. :smile:

You can’t, but I can. :smirk:
My curiosity satisfied. :rofl:

3 پسندیده

You ugly capricious old man. I knew it. Don’t you talk to me anymore. :sweat_smile:

2 پسندیده

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy:

2 پسندیده

Nice question, Negin. I thought about your question hard and long :smiley: I mean, who should I say? Christiano Ronaldo, Marlon Brando, etc. etc. The problem with mentioning super famous people and celebrities is that, we are watching them from far away…we don’t know if they would still be our favorite person if we met them in real life and they didn’t treat us any good. And also in our culture we have that tendency to make a God out of everyone and sometimes praise someone as if he/she is holy and then once they make a mistake like everyone else, they are on a downward spiral…

So I want to take a chance and talk about normal people that I have met in real life, no celebrities…but I’m going to cheat a bit, if you allow me! Cause I can’t decide which one of them to choose for this post, so I choose both:

  1. Homayoun Majdzadeh
    When I was in high school, I was a little bit bored, so I said to myself, you know what, why not starting to play the electric guitar…and I knew about Homayoun…because back then he was one of the very few Iranian musicians who had a rock band in Iran and had produced an insturmental album that got the rights and was published. And I knew he was a teacher too. So I started taking his classes. I have to admit, in the beginning, I was a bit overwhelmed cause he had that celebrity status…but then I realized he was super down to earth. And I had a good few years being his student. Then once I finished high school, I decided to leave Iran to go to a foreign university to study my bachelor degree…I came back to visit my family in summer breaks though. So, once I came back for a summer break, I told Homayoun that I want to take classes again from him, but now not just to continue to learn to be a better musician, but now more of composing classes. Little did I know how much impact this would have on me. So Homayoun agreed that we would have composing classes and every week I had to compose one full song, record all the instruments and mix that song for Homayoun to comment on. The classes were really helpful for me, he gave me tons of helpful feedback. One time he heard one of my songs and then he said “you know what Sajad? If you really work on your composing skills, one day you can be a great composer like Sting”…I knew Sting (Shape of My Heart, etc.), but I also did not know him that much haha. So I got home, and I was like “Sajad, you rarely get compliments like that…so go and discover to its fullest who Sting is”, so I downloaded all of his albums and was blown away with how good Sting was. Homayoun in general was super open minded, even though I also wanted to compose rock music, but most of the examples we were studying was from pop and electronic music, which enabled me to appreciate other music too! I got to travel with Homayoun a few times to Dubai and Istanbul towatch our favorite bands play live. He had an enormous impact on my life, and I always remember him as an open minded, fun person. You know, he was that kind of person, that even if he did not know you in a crowd of people, he still wanted to come to you and talk to you and say funny things to you! In the composing classes, I thought my homeworks (aside from composing songs every week) would be to memorize hard music theory rules, but instead every week he wanted me to go and listen to any song that I was listening to very carefully, and analyze what is going on in that song, which I believe was a great homework, because that made me a better music listener.

  2. Baris Gök
    So once I finished my masters and found a job…again kind of similar situation like high school, I was kinda bored, so I said, you know what, why not try partner dancing. So after trying many different dances (Salsa, Bachata,…)…I came across a partner dance called “Urban Kiz”…which is a bit like Neo Tango but has even more modern touches in it. So I took one beginner class from one random teacher, and swallowed the courage to go to one of the socials (where ladies and gentlemen gather and ask each other for a dance). In that social, I saw Baris dancing with his wife, and I was blown away. So I sat down and was watching him with my mouth open for half an hour. Before that I had this fear that partner dancing is not masculine or can be feminine for a guy, but the way Baris was dancing was super masculine. So once he was finished dancing, I ran to him and said “hey man, I wanna be your student”. So, my journey with Baris and Katya (Barish was a Turkish German guy and his wife Katya was a Polish German woman) began. I was their student for three years and got to travel around Europe with them, compete, teach, etc. Like Homayoun, Baris also had a huge impact on me, we were always analyzing music, and like two lunatics talking about music and dance for hours and hours. Because of both Baris and Homayoun, I appreciate the music even more than when I was a little kid.

5 پسندیده

I read it. :smirk: I shouldn’t have; you just made me jealous. I want to experience many things (or just see them closely :sweat_smile:), but I can’t. I’m fed up with this bloody life.

It was very good, man. :smile:

4 پسندیده

Hahaha…same here, I also want to experience many things…I guess, a big motivation for keep going in life.

4 پسندیده

Thanks for participating : ))

4 پسندیده

My pleasure, thank you for creating the topic.

3 پسندیده