Childhood memories

As you told this sub is hard
But I really like it
Cause I’m involeved with it most the times
But we can choose another one

3 پسندیده

Dear Raha I know you can be your best
Try for it : ))

3 پسندیده


Excuse me
I step beyond my kilim

3 پسندیده

I think most of us are young with old heart
We are so tired

2 پسندیده

That’s kind of you. I’ll do my best.

4 پسندیده

Unfortunately, I don’t have the suitable psychiatric (psychic) situation to participate in the topics.

I don’t have a good mood (good vibes) for writing at the moment.

I know myself well.

It’s possible for me I’ll utterly be damaged psychologically with someone in the comments for no good reason. Because I’v experienced it a lot before.

5 پسندیده

So, if you like it, it’s a good subject. I’ll try to make something up for it. Let’s do it! :hibiscus:

Get the hell out of here. :smile: What do you apologise for? :grin:

Apparently, it’s true. :slightly_frowning_face: Damn you, life! :frowning:

Probably, I’ll see you next week, guys. :hibiscus: :hibiscus:

5 پسندیده

I have some suggestions:

what would you do if you had only one day to live?

what are the 3 kinds of people you should avoid the most?

if you had to go to the moon and you could take only 3 things with yourself what would they be? ( It’s silly a bit. :sweat_smile:Why should we go to the moon anyway? But I have heard it in Mehran modiry’s talk show, I’m not sure where but I think it"s pretty funny.)

what are your top fears?( I don’t like this one)

What are the things you want to experience atleast once in your life?

What is the strongest emotion in humans?

How can we take care of our self esteems?

4 پسندیده

Tnx Mr @Mashreghi but I’ll choose another topic to everyone participate in it

1 پسندیده

Tnx @gisoo13 for your good suggestions
I like this one more than others :point_up_2:

3 پسندیده

oh my god
thank you very much​:pray::pray:
:cry:Maybe such a song can be forgotten
It is the best music in the world​:notes::heart_eyes:

4 پسندیده

I bought a good course for learning the writing skills but I just procrastinated and I did nothing for it. I just hesitated doing what I truly wanted to do.:neutral_face:

:angry: :angry: :expressionless: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

See you later.

5 پسندیده

I meant I wrote a lot. :sweat_smile:

I love writing too but not as a job for my future or a fixed part of my life. More a way to clear my head. When I write I feel much better, like when I bring the words on paper, they are not inside me anymore, they don’t bother me as much as they had. It’s a helpful way when you want to shout at every one cause you are mad at something that doesn’t have anything to do with them.
Anyway you only need to read alot and write , it doesn’t have any specific rules. Just let your mind fill the paper. And the text would be much more brilliant if you put your pure emotions on it. I wish you good luck.

6 پسندیده

No difference. I’m in anyway.

6 پسندیده


Sometimes, I forget your age :sweat_smile:

I am 20 years old but i think I’m a small kid against you and some guys in here


Like this :sweat_smile:

6 پسندیده

This is our new topic
Please participate : )

5 پسندیده

Hi Miss sepehri. I think this topic is so hard to write about. It has a big title but it’s actually not practical to be a forum. What would we get to do if we had one day to live? We can’t see the places we want and we can’t make our dreams come true over one day. In my case I would be spending that whole day with my jaw hanging open thinking about what should I do. I suggested it myself but now I see it’s not a good one. I’m sorry. Iwasn’t thinking, it just came out of my mouth. Can we find a new one? Something easier to discuss.
It’s up to you but I think many of us can’t write about it. I’m sorry again. I should have thought about something more practical as a forum.

3 پسندیده

I think we must go into some challenges of writing
We must try to write about hard topics
For this topic, for example you like to meet some one that you didn’t meet for a long time so you write it

Next week me make a new topic, so please tell us your good suggestions

4 پسندیده

One of the most favorite suggestions of mine about writing challenges is …

Your feelings about English songs and music


4 پسندیده

I will use this topic, soon
Thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

3 پسندیده