سلام دوستان
اینم دومین Let’s Talk من
امیدوارم خوشتون بیاد، سعی کردم کوتاه باشه چون میخواستم متنش رو هم براتون بنویسم که دوستانی که سطحشون پایین تره هم بتونن عرایضم رو بهتر متوجه بشن
تو این قسمت من سعی کردم درس “ماجراجویی” انگلیسی قدرت رو از زاویه دید خودم توضیح بدم و تفسیرش کنم
Hi guys
How's it going?
Today i wanna talk about a topic which it called Adventures.
In twenty Fourth lesson of power English aj talks about people who just care about working all the time.
So let's talk
Let's assume you are a child and you say this to your parent: I wanna be an austronaut or i wanna be a Formula 1 driver.
And after parents tell you like This: You can be anything if you want. They will encourage you. They will be happy
And after twenty years when you are 25 years old you say to your parents. I wanna be circus manager or another unusual job. Then answer is different.
They tell you go find a governmental position or be a lawyer or teacher or doctor and somethink like that.
And you will brake all of your desires and will be a bored employee for rest of your life. and you will try to get money and get money for all of 30 years
So what will happen to you?
You will be dead inside infact. A person who never has any passion for life . You can see a lot of people like this everywhere. It's awful.
Why we are doing this to ourselves? so it's obvious because the government want bored people who can't be able to protest to anything. It's bullshit
We are living like puppets. You know??
So it's inevitable for most of us. so we have to make a plan for retirement years. we can live in a countryside for rest of your life or be a adventurer and go to montains and deserts or forests and get alot of experinces from nature. From our root. I wanna do this with my son or alone. But it's my plan
Or try another thing. You can go to another countries and make new friends from different cultures and countries. It'll be cool.
Or you can learn a new language. It would be awesome if we can do this. Because it prevents us from alzheimer.
Or best of all .You can write an autobiography of yourself or different books.
we won't die suddenly after retirement. You know?
Most of the people think they should be wait for grim reaper after retirement.
But no. we have a lot of years to enjoy. Don't think like this. This is absurd.
And in another topic he says if yor job is soul killing. Change your job nad find another easier exitement job
You know we can see alot of jobs like work in factories or governmental jobs or bank employees. Works like those that i mentioned are boring and soul killer. Change it and find a better one. Care to yourself first of all and after that make a family. It's better to fell alive and give your kindness and love to another person. But if your dead inside you can't do this. If you go to street for a few minutes you can see alot of depressed and angry people. Don't be one of them my friends
It's all up to you but it's truth.
Think about it please.
Trust the nature of your soul and be careful and be kind with yourself.
So i hope you enjoyed it. goodnight