My cousins and I are a member of a family channel of telegram. Last night my cousin(Amir) said that I have suggestion, I want to invite you to a challenge. We asked him what that challenge was. Amir said that he didin't knew but we could offer for that.
Every one said something until my brother said that coverd our face with sauce that took a picture yourself. We asked what kind of sauce we had used. He said that it didn't matter.
Any way my brother is adim in that channel, he removed all members and said that everyone have to do this challenge, after that I will join you.
All of us had to do. I used ketchup, mayonnaise and French sauce and I coverd my face with those.
12 پسندیده
Welcome mrs Khadijeh
Thanks for your participation that started with an enegetic post
May i see those pictures?
It would be so hilarious
7 پسندیده
Yes afcours
4 پسندیده
how cool
4 پسندیده
Amir suggested that the challenge but he participated yet
4 پسندیده
It would be very smelly to cover face with sauce.
4 پسندیده
Wow, amaizing
Have fun
3 پسندیده
Its so cool.
3 پسندیده
خدایا این چه وضعیتی است جنگ گوجه فرنگی و سس قرمز بوده؟؟