چالش wsd - با موضوع « ازدواج»

سلام خدمت دوستان گرامی.

با چالش جدید نوشتاری همراه شما هستیم.

امروز پنج شنبه هستش و روز WSD :grin:

موضوع امروز ازدواج هستش.

ده تا 15 خط درباره ازدواج بنویسید.

دوستانی که مزدوج هستند درباره تجربه ازدواج بگن و دوستانی که مجرد هستند درباره دیدگاهشون از ازدواج صحبت کنند.

آیا الان ازدواج کردن درسته؟ چرا باید و چرا نباید ازدواج کرد.

اینو در 10 تا 15 خط بنویسید.

Let’s WSD :smirk::sunglasses:

با عضویت در کانال تلگرامی گروه، می تونید از آخرین فعالیت ها و چالش های گروه با خبر شید.

13 پسندیده

nice topic :joy::joy:

3 پسندیده

When I was a teenager I hated to marry, but I got married 7 years ago.
Exactly on Tir 16.
I want to step back in time to when I met my husband, when I had been in university, he has really loved me until now, at that time I couldn’t understand what exactly love means?!
But love comes to you without you even realizing it. After 5 years, we decided to get married,
I think, you heard about this sentence.
"Are you happy or married? “”
But I think, when you choose the right person you’ll be happy.
I found him, and I’m happy,
If you haven’t found that person., you’ll better be single. It’s not necessary for you to get married if you don’t know yourself.
If you want to find a good person, you need to be a good person,
Unfortunately, everyone wants to find a right person but are you a good one!!!


حرف اضافه For اینجا اضافه هستش. مگر اینکه بخواید مدت زمان ازدواج رو بگید که میشه این شکلی:

We’ve been married for 7 years.

در انگلیسی آمریکایی معمولا ماه قبل از سال قرار میگیره. مثلا March 7
معمولا th نمیزارن. ولی بزارید هم مشکلی نیست. ( در زمان نوشتاری) ولی موقع گفتن حتما میگن 7th.
معمولا تاریخ ها با حروف بزرگ شروع میشن. Tir


اگه منظورتون اینه به گذشته برگردید. فکر میکنم این فعل عبارتی کمک خوبی باشه:

پس من یکم مفهومشو روون تر میکنم

از این اصطلاح استفاده میکنم و اونو به جمله بعدتون ربط میدم:

Step back in time to when…

که اشاره به دیدارتون با شوهرتون کنه. سپس با گذشته کامل استمراری می بندمش.

که مربوط به زمان تحصیل شما در دانشگاه هستش. چون شما در دانشگاه در حال تحصیل بودید که با شوهرتون آشنا شدید.

I went to university

چون اشاره به یکبار رفتن به دانشگاه داره به نظرم یکم مفهومش رو میگیره، ولی نمیشه کامل هم گفت غلطه. ( اینو یه نفر که مطمئنه شرح بده ممنون میشم.)

مثلا به نظر I had been in university می تونه انتخاب خوبی باشه.


این هم به این شکل تغییر میکنه

What does love mean? یا what love means?

اینم چون love مفرده بهتره comes نوشته بشه. و اگه بخوایم مفهوم این رو بهتر برسونیم میشه باید بگیم بدون اینکه شما بفهمید:

without you understand.

ولی من بخوام شاعرانش کنم ( چون کرم دارم ) اینجوری مینویسم.

But love comes to you without you even realizing it.

یا میشه این شکلیش هم کرد

But love comes to you without any of your realizations.

If you don’t find that person

چون بعد don’t فعل ساده میاد

ولی چون بحث اینه که پیدا نکردید ( که فکر میکنم بحث از گذشته تا الان رو مطرح کنه) میشه این

If you haven’t found that person.

خب اینو من به کل تغییر دادم.

neccesory اگه اشتباه نکنم صفته و بعد از don’t فعل میاد پس این اشتباهه

It برای غیر انسان ها استفاده میشه. پس اینجا بهتره بزنیم him

خب من پروندمو بستم. دوستان نظری دارید بگید، ممنون میشم :rose::rose::rose:


:writing_hand: 14510545

Before making some corrections on Atusa’s essay, I thank Dear kambiz for making such great corrections. I’d like to concentrate on punctuation mark errors. It is necessary to mention that the style of writing, including formal and informal, has to be considered.

این یه جمله از نوع complex هست و چون جمله وابسته قبل از جمله مستقل قرار گرفته لازمه که کاما اون وسط بیاد.

اما برای اینکه یه کامای دیگه هم در جمله هست میشه کل جمله رو به شکل بهتری تغییر داد:

We’ve been married for 7 years although when I was a teenager, I hated to marry.


دراین جمله طولانی چن تا کاما وجود داره که با درنظرگرفتن معانی و کاربردهای کاما باید اصلاح بشن.

جایگزین پیشنهادی:

Let’s step back in time to when I met my husband. On that time, I was a student at university and I couldn’t understand what love exactly means. He has really loved me ever since.

دو تا کامای اضافه داریم اینجا.

جایگزین پیشنهادی:

After 5 years, we decided to get married. Maybe you have heard this sentence:

در آخر اینکه به این مطلب هم توجه کنید که پاراگراف بندی خیلی مهمه متن شما پاراگراف بندی نشده. به نظر میاد این متن شامل دو پاراگراف باشه.


ala :writing_hand:

تاریخ معمولا به این ترتیب هست روز، ماه و سال مثلا چهارشنبه دوم ۱۳۹۷،
علامت th هم واسه اعداد ترتیبی هست که درسته واسه تاریخ بکار ببریم.

on the first of June, 1999 به صورتهای دیگه هم میشه بکار برد الان حضور ذهن ندارم.

معادل این جمله که من خودم در بسته انگلیسی واقعی برخوردم و دوستش دارم

when I look back on the time I met …
I get transported back to the time when I met …

14 پسندیده

ok this challenge is about marriage but before I wanna talking about marriage I want to mention to other side of this concept. Divorce
unfortunately in our Society . it’s not just our Society it’s actually expand it to every place, it’s kind of global issue, the rate divorce became more and more
so I think that would be important we talking about why is that happened what is changed to this awful situation, that’s happened
I think one of the big reasons about this condition we have , is that related to the media
you may be asking what is the connection between media and Marriage or divorce
if you have several relationship with the other person when you’re being in a new relationship you have a memory from others
you know, baggage we have a kind of different definition about the baggage .searching this word on internet you understand what is that mean and doing it beside marriage word.on the whole is that mean
you compared your current relationship with other relationship you had
and it’s very very negative. that is happened in past, for somebody has several relationship. but now
it doesn’t matter you had it or not, that is happened through Media. for example you compare she’s not beauty as much as the actress was in the movie. and it’s happened it’s not just media ,you know that.
I don’t know what is your idea about the marriage maybe you think the concept of marriage it’s totally b******* but it doesn’t matter cause marriage and family it’s created peaceful civilization
and without this things we have society with a lot of crimes .ok that’s enough i wish the best for you guys

8 پسندیده

Hi, Miss Atusa!

Thanks for sharing your ideas. To me, finding the right person is like a very difficult puzzle. Because there is no specific way to do that. I mean that would be by chance.

Nowadays societies are going to be larger and larger, relationships are very complicated, values are changing over the time, ethics are affected by technology, and many other factors related to marriage, directly or indirectly, are revolutionizing.

I think finding the right person logically and based on some rules is not easy at all.

9 پسندیده

I think that marriage is a most important issue between young boys & girls in these days in our country, unfortunately, economic pressers don’t allow that young fellows creating their new life.To be honest i wanna say to all of u that the situation of our country is very terrible at different aspects such as Economy & policy and stuff like that, the government can’t create job for its young fellows and families can’t support their children, too, because economic pressers. I don’t want to say that we must not be married, but we should consider everythings.“You should be married”, my mom says to me everyday, “i have no enough money”, i say to her, too.I have an advice for boys in this froum who not marriage so far, please open ur eyes, then to fall in love. Hope all of you find your missing half :smiling_face:

8 پسندیده

hi Mrs atusa or atineh I don’t know which one is that correct because unfortunately I don’t know you very well but I just wanted to say hello.and a about your text. it’s kind of weird for me just said when you were a child,you didn’t want to getting married. Why? cuz I have thought it’s very dreamy for any girl to getting married with someone
and i have question for you. you think as married person, what is that would be appropriate to keeping love, alive for long term relationship?

4 پسندیده

I agree with you,we have some problems for some situation.
but you attract everyone, every thing can be change when we want.
The right person is everywhere, and everyone thinks, it doesn’t exist more. But I hope everyone can find their partner

5 پسندیده

hi amir it is interesting text you wrote. I have a question also for you what is your idea about secret an affair (SECRET LOVE). you think it’s can be kind of solution for this problems you said
you don’t have any responsibility about your partner .it’s not great idea to being in this relationship. that would be great if you answer to this question

3 پسندیده

I’m atousa,
You know, when I was a child, I liked to be a man, because they have stronger than wemen, and in our country, men have a lot of liberty, in our law, every thing wrote for men, we don’t any choose .

I’m married, I don’t know, what happen for me, that I decided to get married, this happen was chance for me, and my husband loved me for the first time and our relationshep were realy odd.

3 پسندیده

6 پسندیده

In my opinion marriage is important , you know you need someone. Not diffrent you are girl or boy u need it.
I wanna be glad, happy with that but now I don’t need get married, not diffrent when but when that happen i wanna beautiful and peaceful life. Marriage has 2 sides bad and good. When u married you get a good life with new human( man) but u don’t know he is bad or good. When you are single you have good life because you have alot of time for yourself and it’s not force for example be early for going home or…
I whish be happy all.

8 پسندیده

Hey @mht0017, please don’t make a mistake, i don’t say that we must not have responsibility against our partner, i just say that we should consider to all of aspects such as personality and family and stuff like that if anyone who wants to marry, then having enough money
is really important for marriage.For example i have worked as an accountant in the judiciary, but my capital is too low and i don’t think of marriage because of that.I think having an affair is a solution because it has fewer responsibility for us.At the end of my word i just want to say that marriage is a great idea for anyone who has a good position :smiling_face:

5 پسندیده

اینو خوب فهمیدم ا کاش منم میتونستم اینجوری بنیویسم

3 پسندیده

Hi, you can why not? just don’t let fear clog your attempt. you can because you want, so it’s enough.
Good luck

3 پسندیده

In my opinion, marriage is one of the important steps for human to evolve. Marriage is usually divided in two kinds: traditional and today’s marriage. Love is an important key for marriage; first love burgeons between man and woman. I believe if a person is going to get married and lets someone else come to his/her life, won’t need to change his/her style, interests, entertainment, values and his/her true self to make his/her life partner satisfy and become person who never is, although spending every wish on her/him. So choose a person who likes you as you are.
My answer to this question: Getting married is wrong or right nowadays?
Yes, I accept that our society don’t have good situation in every aspect, but it’s not the reason that avoid getting married, because one of criteria for marriage is that person is able to resist against all problem and must be able to deal with all possible contingencies. I know that my opinion is idealistic but regarding I’m trying to be positive so I have this idea as my husband and I have made our life on it.

like me, just on 10 Farvardin, 1390.

6 پسندیده

You can. Read more and more and more.

3 پسندیده


I agree with you.
Both of them, marriage and single people have problem, we lost something when we got married and when we are single,

so my friends, you missed something for achieving every thing. So think about which one better for you and put value for your choice.

3 پسندیده

I am sensitive about the scope of the topic because if I want to discuss about marriage, there are a lot of aspects to discuss. Therefore narrating the discussion by considering the topic is necessary.

This topic has two parts. The first part is my experiences about marriage as a married person, I am married, and the second is about the correctness of marriage, if it is correct or not, and why.

I have been married for four years. During these years I have learned many things about life specially the relationship with my partner. As a married person I think when you start living with another person, under every conditions and forever you have to be patient. This is the most important experience that I have had. This is the key to succeed in your relationships with your partner. Because before starting new life, you can’t make sure that everything is considered. You are only one side of the matter. The other side is unknown for you from many aspects at first. Thus you should change your point of view to life. In my opinion when you are married you should build your life based on that new situation.

In essence marriage is great. Based on Islam and other religions and even from a scientific point of view, family is the most fundamental part of every society. But what if we consider marriage in relationship with other parts of a society, including culture, economic, traditions, technology, politics, believes and many other things as context. It looks very complicated in this way. I think our point of view about marriage needs to be updated on and on. It is almost impossible for me to say that the marriage is correct certainly. I have to say it depends on many elements and everyone should decide based on him / her situation.

6 پسندیده

I’ll start my essay with this question:

How much responsibility can one person take???

If you go out and ask people “how much are you responsible in a relationship?” you’ll get a huge variety of answers.

But my favorite answer is from the book “compound effect” by Darren Hardy.

He mentions when you are in a relationship whether it’s a marriage or boyfriend/ girlfriend or whatever… you are 100 percent responsible for everything.

for what you say, what you hear, how your partner behaves, how your children behave and so on…

I had it in my mind and I’ve been thinking about it until I watched a video by Elliot Hulse.

He was answering a question by a man who was cheating on his wife.

He asked: his wife constantly is annoying him and every time they cross paths with each other they have a fight. recently he found himself in love with her wife’s friend and here was the question.

“should he get a divorce and continue his relationship with the new woman?”

Elliot gave him a long answer but here was the interesting part.

He said, " you have two mirrors, 1. your wife 2. your daughter, if they behave badly, you must look at your self and ask what have done?"

This reminded me of Darren Hardy’s quote about 100% responsibility. you do something and people around you respond to it. no matter what…

so I started with this long preface to get my line straight.

I’m still young and I’m living in a country which I like to call Chilan and it’s an abbreviation of two words.

  1. challenging

  2. Iran

living here by itself is challenging and adding a new challenge to take another 100% responsibility for life is a whole different story.

So all I can say is that I can’t get married not because I don’t like marriage or the challenge behind it. but because I’m living in Iran and I can’t handle anything.

So as long as I’m living here I won’t think of it. and in my opinion, marriage is a tough choice that anyone can make.

So my answer to marriage is No I don’t think It’s a good idea to get married in this situation.


For not for

as you’re thinking before watch a video so you need to make match time according to ;
I had been thinking about

but if you say now I watch a video so you should write I have been thinking

there is a question so why progressive tense ------> He answered a ques…

I’m not sure about using On

his wife is constantly annoying

قید بعد از فعل کمک میاد.

his wife’s friend

but doesn’t need
but و because هر دو کلمه وصل کننده جمله هستند.


…No. So, I don’t think

11 پسندیده