چالش هفتم Discussion - شغل- No Persian

Hello guys

Ok, the seventh challenge is here.

Thanks to everyone who have participated in the previous ones.

We’ve chosen the topic Work for this week, so here we go…

Answer these questions and talk about this subject as much as you like then the other members will listen to you and talk to you about them.

  1. What work do/did you do?
  2. How do/did you like the work?
  3. What is your dream job?
  4. What work is common in your city/area/country?
  5. What is your general view about work? Why?
    About the next topic. Share your suggestions and if you don’t have any, choose of these:
  • Risk
  • Beauty
  • Television
0 رای دهندگان

Rules: I don’t like to call them rules. but especially for this challenge, we need some rules

  1. Never use Persian
  2. Your priority must be recording and talking but if it’s not possible writing in English can be your second choice.
  3. under every recording use these codes
code Meaning
CC Chit - Chat
RTT Related To The Topic

CC will be used when you are specifically talking to a person and you don’t want anyone else to talk to you about it.

for example:

In this picture, I recorded a voice specifically to Farzad and it’s not related to the topic that we are discussing, so anyone can avoid it and save some times.

RTT is about the main topic and by using this code you are saying " this voice is free for discussion."

Like this one:

So now everyone knows that this voice is related to the topic and is free for discussion.

In this way, we prevent all the spams and there is no need to listen to all voices, especially the ones that are not related to all members

If you don’t use the code RTT, by default we assume that the voice is related to the topic.

But please use the CC code when is needed

OK, let’s do it.

Do you have any question? comment below :point_down::point_down:

Subscribe to the Group’s Telegram Channel to be notified of the next challenges.

11 پسندیده

Hey guys

I want to tell you something. I think I blew the previous poll when I was choosing the titles for this week.

The topic " time" was chosen unanimously but I found out there was a challenge before with this title. so I had to change this one to the second highest votes which is work.

Sorry about that:rose::rose::rose:

Plz participate and let’s discuss about Work

9 پسندیده

What do you mean by the second question ? What kind of work ? Or what ?

5 پسندیده

Work in this case means job. Talk about experiences that you have had with your jobs.

3 پسندیده

Excuse me, what do you want to ask by this question? our feelings about work or … :confused:

2 پسندیده

I am lucky, now I could record my opinion
Sorry for making mistake; because I think I can’t find this good opportunity.

5 پسندیده

talk about the experience, feeling etc

these questions are back to back. it means if you answer the first one, the second question is gonna be related to the first one.

for example:

If you answered the first question like this:

I work as an English teacher.

the second question is asking you aha, so how do you like about it?

so the answer is gonna be:

I like to communicate with my students and know them better. when I teach and share my knowledge to some people, I feel so happy.

and I like my colleagues too. they are very kind.

so I have to say I love my job.

5 پسندیده

با تشکر فراوان از نسیم خانوم و سایر دوستانی این چالش برای یادگیری به وجود آوردند .وقعا دمتون گرم
و درباره تاپیک لعنت به بانکداری، پول که درباره هرچی می خوای صحبت کنی آخرش به همینا ختم میشه ،خیلی رادیکال صحبت نکردم .اگر عمری بود داخل یه تاپیک جداگانه حسابی از خجالتشون در میام البته با مدرک مثل همیشه. واقعا فرقی نمیکنه aj hoge یا John Robbins امریکایی باشه با یه فرهنگ متفاوت یا هرکس دیگه ای هر ادمی اگه ادم باشه در برابر این ظلم ساکت نمیمونه. موفق باشید

6 پسندیده

I have lots of mistakes, sorry about that.
And sorry about the voice you maybe heared back of my record.
that’s my cousin :joy::joy:

7 پسندیده


3 پسندیده

(Short & Useful)


8 پسندیده


6 پسندیده


5 پسندیده


5 پسندیده

Excuse me for low quality voice,it dosent have a good quality cause I changed it´s format inorder to be aploaded.

5 پسندیده


6 پسندیده