چالش دیسکاشن « ورزش کردن »

Hello Guys

Here we are. A great friend of mine asked me to start this challenge again. And you know what? I appreciate these kinds of friends a lot because they’re thirsty to achieve success, they work hard, they’re not afraid to ask questions, They grab the opportunities like their lives are depended on it. I love these people a lot.

And you know what will happen to them at the end of the day?

They will become successful. because they won’t look for excuses, They just do whatever it takes to achieve that god damn success baby.

And I, damn appreciate these kinds of private Massages a lot. It gives me the energy to launch more group activities.

Ladies and gentlemen please take a moment and clap for @mateacher95.

Ok now it’s time to have a discussion about something and that thing is Exercising. Because Your brother Kambiz’s got some muscles lately. So why not?

This challenge has no time limitations so you can speak as much as possible. but take something into consideration. People love to communicate with people who speak less but share more.

So answer this question as a trigger to start the conversation.

How did exercise change your life?


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18 پسندیده
18 پسندیده

برای ما مبتدی ها لذت بخش بود به امید رسیدن امثال من در اینده به این روز ها و انگلیسی صحبت کردن بدون استرس و ترس.گرچه بحث در مورد ورزشن کردن بود.
یک خواهشی دارم اونم اینکه لااقل از خودتون بگین به طور کلی از اول شروع کردین و تا به اینجا رسیدین چقدر زمان صرف شد؟ اخه من از اون ادمایی هستم به شرایط و برنامه ریزی مقید هستم و بدم میاد چیزی که برنامه ریزی کردم رو نادیده بگیرم که باید خودمو تحت فشار یک برنامه ریزی بزارم تا به پیشرفتی قابل قبول برسم

با تشکر

5 پسندیده

Buddy your results were awesome
But 4 principles in body building
Lift hard
Lift heavy
Good and sufficient amount of nutrition

2 پسندیده


2 پسندیده

اصلاحش کنید اگه دیدین

2 پسندیده

ازصمیم قلب بهتون تبریک میگم همیشه در اوج باشید لذت بخش وانرژی دهنده.:rose::rose:

1 پسندیده

۱پیشنهاد داشتم البته اگه جسارت نباشه.
بنظرحقیر بااین همه تسلط واین همه تکنیک واطلاعات برنامه های مثل آقای ای جی هوگ ترتیب بدهید و در نرم افزار زبانشناس قرار بدهید تا تمام زبانشناسهاازش استفاده کنند.

1 پسندیده


12 پسندیده

7 پسندیده

I’m not home but I’ll participate in discussion ASAP

2 پسندیده

It was great.
Thank you for sharing your story :hibiscus::pray:

You pronounce “positive”, “ing” and “w” wrong

3 پسندیده

TNX :pray::hibiscus::rose:

Maybe it because of recording voice
I’ll try to Fix it

You know focusing on pronounce can prevent your Speaking process
It’s my idea :thinking::grin:

3 پسندیده

I know and also believe in it. But you are a teacher. And it’s important to teach correct pronounce.
That is why I noticed it

3 پسندیده

I want to do someting impolite…
I want to courage people who I know them…

Sorry guys
I have to tag you because this is discussion challenge

Please participate in this challenge :sob::sob::cry:

4 پسندیده

I’m not english teacher :smirk::grin:
I’m primary school teacher
TNX a lot because of your suggest​:pray::hibiscus:

1 پسندیده

You spoke very well
I though you were English teacher :grimacing:

2 پسندیده

Hello every body :rose::rose:
How are you?! it‘s been a while I have not been here.but today I decided to come and challenge my self. so let‘s do it

8 پسندیده

Are you really Kimia Karbasi?
After this long time … again you are here
Did you pass your exams successfully?

2 پسندیده

:see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

8 پسندیده