سلام.خب جمعه رسید و با یه چالش دیگه در خدمتتون هستیم.
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خب همونطور که میدونید این چالش هفتگیه و شما میتونید این چالش رو به دو صورت انجام بدید و ویس بگیرید و برای ما بفرستید.
روش اول: کسانی که دوست دارن میتونن داستان ها رو در سه زمان داده شده رو خوانی بکنن و صداشون رو ضبط کنند و بفرستند.
روش دوم : خب این یکی برای کسانی خوبه که دوست دارن کلمات غیر فعالشون رو فعال کنن.حالا چجوری؟
به اینصورت که شما داستان ها رو خوب گوش میکنید و وقتی که کل داستان رو فهمیدید اون رو به زبان خودتون در زمانهای گفته شده بازگو میکنید.مثل کنفرانس های زمان تحصیل.میتونید چکیده کنید ویا میتونید به داستان اضافه کنید.هر جور که دوست دارید میتونید شرکت کنید.مهم شرکت کردن و جسارت داشتن و پیشرفت کردنه.
علاوه بر این شما میتونید مراحل چالش (دیدگاه من)
اقا کامبیز رو انجام بدید و اینجا ارسال کنید.
این هفته یکی دیگه از مربیان گلمون خانم نیکنام عزیز @ALA لطف کردن و درس ها رو ویرایش کردن.البته ازشون درخواست کردم که یک ویس نمونه هم برامون ضبط کنن.ایشالا که وقت کنن و این کار رو انجام بدن.
باز تشکر میکنم از خانم نیکنام @ALA و خانم پروین @pari که با انرژیشون باعث انگیزه و پیشرفت بچه ها میشن.
یک بازگویی استثنایی از نور چشم تالار @Yo_Kambiz
زمان حال ساده
برای دیدن متن انگلیسی داستان در زمان حال ساده اینجا کلیک کنید
Vanilla is a beautiful, intelligent woman.
she wants to be rich. But, unfortunately, she is poor.
She says, “Show me the money.”
So she goes to Las Vegas to get rich.
She walks into Caesar’s Palace with a big grin on her face.
Caesar’s Palace is a casino.
She is grinning because she thinks she is going to become rich. In fact, she knows she is going to become rich.
She walks to the blackjack table.
She takes $6,000.00 out of her pocket.
She puts the money on the table. She bets all of the money on the first game.
Vanilla loses all her money. She is really, really poor now. She cries, “Oh no, I lost all my money.”
First, she cries. But then she changes her physiology. She pulls back her shoulders. She puts her chin up. And she grins. She says “I will become rich.”
What about Warren Buffett?
who is Warren Buffett?
Warren Buffett is the richest man in the world.
Warren Buffett does not play blackjack.
He buys stocks.
So Warren Buffett goes to New York at the same time that Vanilla goes to Las Vegas.
He makes $60 billion.
but he doesn’t grin. He always frowns.
Next, Vanilla goes to Alaska.
She goes to Alaska to dig for gold.
So she gets a shovel and she starts to dig. Every day she digs for gold, five days, ten days, digging for gold, digging for gold. After sixty days, her back hurts.
Vanilla has a bad posture while she is digging.
After ninety days, Vanilla’s back hurts and she has no money. She starts to cry “Oh, my back hurts. And I have no money.” But then Vanilla changes. She changes her posture again. She smiles. She brings her shoulders back. She breathes deeply. She says “I will become rich.”
So she goes to Singapore to start a chili business
She grows hot chilis, in her apartment and sells them to restaurants.
And she makes $28 billion. She becomes the Queen of Hot Chilis…the Asian Queen of Hot Chilis. Vanilla becomes super‑rich. She gets the money
زمان گذشته ساده
ویس نمونه مربی عزیز @pari
ویس نمونه استاد @F.doosti
برای دیدن متن انگلیسی داستان در زمان گذشته ساده اینجا کلیک کنید
Vanilla was a beautiful, intelligent woman.
she wanted to be rich. But, unfortunately, she was poor.
She said, “Show me the money.”
So she went to Las Vegas to get rich.
She walked into Caesar’s Palace with a big grin on her face.
Caesar’s Palace is a casino.
She was grinning because she thought she was going to become rich. In fact, she knew she was going to become rich.
She walked to the blackjack table.
She took $6,000.00 out of her pocket.
She put the money on the table. She bet all of the money on the first game.
Vanilla lost all her money. She was really, really poor. She cried, “Oh no, I lost all my money.”
First, she cried. But then she changed her physiology. She pulled back her shoulders. She put her chin up. And she grinned. She said, “I will become rich.” .
What about Warren Buffett?
Huh, who was Warren Buffett?
Warren Buffett is the richest man in the world.
Warren Buffett did not play blackjack.
He bought stocks.
So Warren Buffett went to New York at the same time that Vanilla went to Las Vegas.
He made $60 billion. but he didn’t grin. Warren Buffett always frowned
Next, Vanilla went to Alaska.
She went to Alaska to dig for gold.
So she got a shovel and she started to dig. Every day she dug for gold, five days, ten days, digging for gold, digging for gold. After sixty days, her back hurt.
Vanilla had a bad posture while she was digging.
After ninety days, Vanilla’s back hurt and she had no money. She started to cry “Oh, my back hurts. And I have no money.” But then Vanilla changed. She changed her posture again. She smiled. She brought her shoulders back. She breathed deeply. She said, “I will become rich.”
So she went to Singapore to start a chili business.
So She grew hot chilis, in her apartment and sold them to restaurants.
And she made $28 billion. She became the Queen of Hot Chilis…the Asian Queen of Hot Chilis. Vanilla became super‑rich. She got the money.
زمان آینده ساده
برای دیدن متن انگلیسی داستان در زمان آینده ساده اینجا کلیک کنید
Vanilla will be a beautiful, intelligent woman.
Vanilla will want to be rich. But, unfortunately, she will be
She’ll say “Show me the money.”
So She is going to go to Las Vegas to get rich.
She will walk into Caesar’s Palace with a big grin on her face.
Caesar’s Palace will be a casino.
She will be grinning because she will think she is going to become rich. In fact, she will know she will become rich.
She is going to walk to the blackjack table.
She will take $6,000.00 out of her pocket.
She will put the money on the table. She will bet all of the money on the first game.
Vanilla will lose all her money. She will be really, really poor. She will cry“Oh no, I lost all my money.”
First, she will cry. But then she will change her physiology. She will pull back her shoulders. She will put her chin up. And she will grin. She will say “I will become rich.”
What about Warren Buffett?
Huh, who will be Warren Buffett?
Warren Buffett is the richest man in the world.
Warren Buffett won’t play blackjack.
He’ll buy stocks.
So Warren Buffett is going to go to New York at the same time that Vanilla will go to Las Vegas.
He will make $60 billion. but he won’t grin. Warren Buffett will always frown
Next, Vanilla is going to go to Alaska.
She is going to go to Alaska to dig for gold.
So she will get a shovel and she will start to dig. Every day she will dig for gold, five days, ten days, digging for gold, digging for gold. After sixty days, her back will hurt.
Vanilla will have a bad posture while she is digging.
After ninety days, Vanilla’s back will hurt and she will have no money. She will start to cry “Oh, my back hurts. And I have no money.” But then Vanilla will change. She will change her posture again. She will smile. She will bring her shoulders back. She will breathe deeply. She will say “I will become rich.”
So she will go to Singapore to start a chili business.
So She will grow hot chilis, in her apartment and will sell them to restaurants.
And she will make $28 billion. She will become the Queen of Hot Chilis…the Asian Queen of Hot Chilis. Vanilla will become super‑rich. She will get the money.
خب دیگه بریم ببینیم چه میکنید.
راستی قراره هر کس بهترین بازگویی رو داشته باشه درس ها اول برای اون ارسال بشه تا یک ویس نمونه از درس رو تهیه کنه.پس بریم برای بهتر شدن و پیشرفت کردن.
کسایی که تمایل دارن ویس نمونه هفته بعد رو اجرا کنن زودتر دست به کار شن.
به زودی میبینمتون.
ویس اقا فیروز @firo744 مربوط به همین درس
ویس خلاقانه @anahita.ssff مربوط به درس
ویس اول @Ghabel زمان گذشته ساده
ویس اول @abdollahi-a زمان گذشته ساده
دو ویس @anahita.ssff روخوانی حال ساده،بازگویی گذشته ساده
ویس روخوانی @farokhvand زمان آینده ساده