چالش هفتم EF POV 🔴 ( درس 7 قدرت )

سلاااااااااااااااام.باز جمعه و باز چالش جدید با صدای جدید.
خب برای دسترسی به چالشهای قبل روی گزینه مربوط به هر چالش در زیر کلیک کنید تا یکراست بری سر اصل مطلب.
EF1, EF 2, EF 3, EF4, EF5, EF6
شما میتونید در چالش های قبلی هم شرکت کنید و فیدبک بگیرید

خب همونطور که میدونید و در چالش های قبلی دیدید این چالش هفتگیه و شما میتونید این چالش رو به دو صورت زیر انجام بدید و ویس بگیرید و برای ما بفرستید.

روش اول: روخوانی
کسانی که دوست دارن میتونن داستان ها رو در سه زمان داده شده رو خوانی بکنن و صداشون رو ضبط کنند و بفرستند.

روش دوم : بازگویی
خب این یکی برای کسانی خوبه که دوست دارن کلمات غیر فعالشون رو فعال کنن.حالا چجوری؟
به اینصورت که شما داستان ها رو خوب گوش میکنید و وقتی که کل داستان رو فهمیدید اون رو به زبان خودتون در زمانهای گفته شده بازگو میکنید.مثل کنفرانس های زمان تحصیل.میتونید چکیده کنید ویا میتونید به داستان اضافه کنید‌.هر جور که دوست دارید میتونید شرکت کنید.مهم شرکت کردن و جسارت داشتن و پیشرفت کردنه.
مربی و استاد عزیز اقا کامبیز @YoKambiz قبول زحمت کردن برای هر چالش یک نمونه از این روش برامون درست کنن که همه با این روش مفید بیشتر اشنا بشیم.این روش خیلی عالیه بهتون پیشنها میکنم حتما این روش رو امتحان کنید.شما میتونید نمونه هایی از این روش رو در چالش های قبل هم گوش کنید.

برای شنیدن این درس با این روش توسط استاد کامبیز اینجاکلیک کنید

علاوه بر این شما میتونید مراحل چالش (دیدگاه من) آقا کامبیز رو انجام بدید و اینجا ارسال کنید.

مثل هفته پیش دو دوست عزیز کمک کردن که چالش این هفته برگزار بشه. مربی بزرگوار خانم @ala عزیز که زحمت کشیدن و داستان رو در سه زمان حال ساده و اینده ساده و گذشته ساده اماده کردن و دیگری صدای نوظهور تالار خانم @azam-123 داوطلب اجباری :joy: شدن که ویس نمونه این هفته رو ضبط کنن. تشکر ویژه

خب عزیزانی که تمایل دارن به ما کمک کنن و ویس نمونه رو ضبط کنن زیر پستی که صداشون رو فرستادن بنویسن که داوطلب برای رکورد کردن صدای نمونه هستن تا در چالش نهم از وجودشون بهره ببریم.هم اکنون نیازمند یاری سبزتان هستیم.چالش هشتم به عهده خانم فاطمه @fatemeh74 هست.

برای دیدن داستان در زمان حال ساده کلیک کنید

Asher has a dream. He wants to be the best guitarist in the world. He wants to be a rock’n’roll god.

The problem is he doesn’t play the guitar. He never plays the guitar. No guitar for Asher.

So, of course, he decides to find the best guitar teacher in the world.

AJ Hoge is the best guitar teacher in the world. Asher goes to AJ and he says “Teach me to be a rock god.”

AJ says “My student, you must look good to be good. Imitate me. Dress like me. Jump and yell and look cool like me. Then you’ll be the best guitarist in the world and a rock god.”

Asher says “But don’t I have to practice the guitar?”

AJ says“No, just look good.”

So, for one year every day Asher imitates AJ. He walks like AJ. He moves like AJ. He dresses like AJ. He tries to be cool like AJ, although that’s very difficult.

But unfortunately, after one year Asher still can not play the guitar. In fact, he is terrible.

Asher says“You’re fired.”

Next, he goes to his friend, Inka. He says “Inka, how can I become the best guitarist in the world? I tried to study with AJ but he sucked.”

Well Inka says “It’s vital to find a great player to model. Seek out Jimmy Page.He’s the best.”

So he does. He goes looking for Jimmy Page. And finally he finds him in England.

He asks Jimmy “Jimmy will you please teach me to be a great guitarist? I want to be a rock god.”

Jimmy says “Okay.” So every day Jimmy Page shows Asher new key distinctions on the guitar. He shows him key differences, key new things to learn.

He tells him how to hold the guitar, how to play the guitar, how to move his fingers quickly.

And every day he practices. Every day a lot of repetition but repetition with new distinctions.

Finally, three years later Asher becomes a great guitar player. He becomes a rock god. Everywhere he goes women love him. When he is in Israel, the women love him. When he is in Europe, the women love him. When he is in North America, the women go crazy and they love him. The South American women love him. African women love him. Asian women love him. He is a rock’n’roll god.

برای دیدن داستان در زمان گذشته ساده کلیک کنید

Asher had a dream. He wanted to be the best guitarist in the world. He wanted to be a rock’n’roll god.

The problem was He didn’t play the guitar. He never played the guitar. No guitar for Asher.

So, of course, he decided to find the best guitar teacher in the world.

AJ Hoge was the best guitar teacher in the world. Asher went to AJ and he said “Teach me to be a rock god.”

AJ said “My student, you must look good to be good.” AJ said “Imitate me. Dress like me. Jump and yell and look cool like me. Then you’ll be the best guitarist in the world and a rock god.” Asher said “But don’t I have to practice the guitar?” AJ said “No, just look good.”

So, for one year every day Asher imitated AJ. He walked like AJ. He moved like AJ. He dressed like AJ. He tried to be cool like AJ, although that was very difficult.

But unfortunately, after one year Asher still could not play the guitar. In fact, he was terrible.

Asher said “You’re fired.”

Next, he went to his friend, Inka. He said “Inka, how can I become the best guitarist in the world? I tried to study with AJ but he sucked.” Well Inka said “It’s vital to find a great player to model. Seek out Jimmy Page.

He’s the best.”

So he did. He went looking for Jimmy Page. And finally he found him in England.

He asked Jimmy “Jimmy will you please teach me to be a great guitarist? I want to be a rock god.” Jimmy said “Okay.” So every day Jimmy Page showed Asher new key distinctions on the guitar. He showed him key differences, key new things to learn.

He told him how to hold the guitar, how to play the guitar, how to move his fingers quickly.

And every day he practiced. Every day a lot of repetition but repetition with new distinctions.

Finally, three years later Asher became a great guitar player. He became a rock god. Everywhere he went women loved him. When he was in Israel, the women loved him. When he was in Europe, the women loved him. When he was in North America, the women went crazy and they loved him. The South American women loved him. African women loved him. Asian women loved him. He was a rock’n’roll god.

برای دیدن داستان در زمان آینده ساده کلیک کنید

Asher will have a dream. He will want to be the best guitarist in the world. He is going to want to be a rock’n’roll god.

The problem will be he doesn’t play the guitar. He never plays the guitar. No guitar for Asher.

So, of course, he will decide to find the best guitar teacher in the world.

AJ Hoge will be the best guitar teacher in the world. Asher is going to go to AJ and he will say “Teach me to be a rock god.”

AJ will say “My student, you must look good to be good. Imitate me. Dress like me. Jump and yell and look cool like me. Then you’ll be the best guitarist in the world and a rock god.”

Asher will say “But don’t I have to practice the guitar?”

AJ will say“No, just look good.”

So, for one year every day Asher will imitate AJ. He will walk like AJ. He will move like AJ. He will dress like AJ. He will trie to be cool like AJ, although that’s going to be very difficult.

But unfortunately, after one year Asher will still not be able to play the guitar. In fact, he will be terrible.

Asher will say“You’re fired.”

Next, he is going to go to his friend, Inka. He will say “Inka, how can I become the best guitarist in the world? I tried to study with AJ but he sucked.”

Well Inka will say “It’s vital to find a great player to model. Seek out Jimmy Page.He’s the best.”

So he is going to do. He is going to go looking for Jimmy Page. And finally he will find him in England.

He is going to ask Jimmy “Jimmy will you please teach me to be a great guitarist? I want to be a rock god.”

Jimmy will say “Okay.” So every day Jimmy Page will show Asher new key distinctions on the guitar. He will show him key differences, key new things to learn.

He will tell him how to hold the guitar, how to play the guitar, how to move his fingers quickly.

And every day he will practice. Every day a lot of repetition but repetition with new distinctions.

Finally, three years later Asher will become a great guitar player. He will become a rock god. Everywhere he will go, women will love him. When he will be in Israel, the women will love him. When he will be in Europe, the women will love him. When he will be in North America, the women will go crazy and they will love him. The South American women will love him. African women will love him. Asian women will love him. He will be a rock’n’roll god.

روخوانی خانم @Ghabel زمان گذشته ساده
روخوانی اقای @r.min زمان حال ساده
روخوانی مربی عزیز خانم @ala زمان حال ساده
بازگویی اقای @Gheidar1 زمان گذشته ساده

16 پسندیده

نه اینو خوب اومدین، خندم داره والا :worried:


6 پسندیده

چالش هشتم عمو جان :smiley::smiley::smiley:

6 پسندیده

درست شد برارزا :kissing_heart:

5 پسندیده

:crazy_face::crazy_face: دستت دردنکنه تی جان قوربان :heart_eyes:

5 پسندیده

آقای @R.min با اجازه تون یه سری اصلاحات در متن وارد شد و ببخشید بدون هماهنگی بود :see_no_evil:

5 پسندیده

راستی مگه خدای نکرده آقا کامبیز حالشون بد هست؟

4 پسندیده

این چه حرفیه مربی.
اتفاقا ازتون درخواست کردم ولی فکر کردم سرتون خیلی شلوغه سر همین میام رو پاک کردم و اصلاحش کردم.
اتفاقا خیلی خوشحالم کردید.
الان دیگه مشکلی نیست دیگه ایشالا؟
اعظم خانم قراره روخوانی کنن

نه خوب شدن قبلا حالشون بد بود.
اون قسمت رو باید اصلاح کنم خخخ

5 پسندیده

یه ادیت دیگه هم داشت انجام شد. امیدوارم موردی نباشه که از قلم افتاده باشه

6 پسندیده

مرسی خاله آرمینا تو چالش این هفته سعی میکنم شرکت کنم :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

6 پسندیده

اره اره حتماا تو شرکت کن خوووش صدای خودم
@R.min چالش سیزدهم هفته سیزدهم به عهده مریم جونمه عمو جان

6 پسندیده

اون عدد 8 کنار پرانتز چیه؟ میخواستم حذف کنم گفتم شاید دلیلی داشته گذاشتین :thinking:

6 پسندیده

منم تلاش میکنم خودمو به چالش ها برسونم
وقتی شرکت میکردم حس خیلی بهتری داشتم

6 پسندیده

نه هیچ معنی نداره دستم خورده اونجا نوشته 8

4 پسندیده

منتظر هستم عشق برارزا.
بدو که تا همین الان هم خیلی دیر کردی

انشالا اگر زنده باشم چشم

از دست شما که من دلگیرم.باید فقط زور بالاسرت باشه مثل اینکه

6 پسندیده

:see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

4 پسندیده

چشم :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

4 پسندیده

سلام آقای آرمین @R.min
آخر هفته شد هنوز ویس نمونه هم نذاشتین!
چرا اینقدر خلوته اینجا
مسئولین جواب بدین

3 پسندیده

إ مگه پنجشنبه جمعه نباید بذارم؟ :thinking:

2 پسندیده

از جمعه ی گذشته اعظم جون!

3 پسندیده