چالش رایتینگ در رابطه با داستان مرد فیلی

سلام خدمت اعضای محترم زبانشناس

چالش جدید رایتینگ برگرفته از کتاب سطحبندی شده‌ی مرد فیلی در اپلیکیشن زیبوک بخش کتاب های ساده است. در ابتدا خلاصه داستان را برایتان بیان می کنم و در انتها مطلبی که ازتون میخوام بنویسید رو بیان می کنم.

برای خواندن این کتاب بایستی اپلیکیشن زیبوک رو نصب کنید و این کتاب رو در کتب سطحبندی شده سطح ساده پیدا کنید و بخونید.

ممنون که وقت با ارزشتون رو با ما به اشتراک میزارید :rose::rose::rose::rose:

خلاصه داستان
روزی دکتری به اسم فردریک تریوز تصویری را در پشت پنجره فروشگاهی نزدیک محل کارش (بیمارستان) دید. این تصویر مردی را نشان می داد که شبیه فیل بود.

او به داخل فروشگاه رفت تا مرد فیلی را از نزدیک ببیند. او شبیه انسان نبود. سر خیلی بزرگ و کم مو داشت، چشم هایش قابل دیدن نبود چون پوست روی صورتش را پوشانده بود. دندان های بزرگی داشت که از دهانش بیرون زده بود. بینی و دهانش شبیه گودالی در صورتش بودند. بازوی سمت راستش خیلی بزرگ بود و ورم های پوستی فراوانی بر روی آن وجود داشت. دست سمت راستش همانند پای مردانه بود اما دست سمت چپ پوست لطیفی داشت و انگشتانش همانند دست یک زن جوان بلند و زیبا بود.
او نمی توانست به خوبی راه برود. دکتر از فروشنده خواست که او را به مطبش ببرد تا معاینه کند اما فروشنده گفت به دلیل ایجاد رعب و وحشت در میان مردم ممکن است پلیس انها را دستگیر و به زندان بیاندازد، پس از دکتر خواست تا با تاکسی او را به بیمارستان منتقل کنند.

این خلاصه ای از داستان موجودی در فروشگاه بود، اما موضوع چالش چیست؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

اگر شما به جای این دکتر بودید، چه عکس العملی از خود نشان می دادید؟ آیا از دیدن این موجود وحشت زده می شدید و از محل فرار می کردید یا ترجیح می دادید در کنارش بمانید و به او کمک کنید؟ آیا حاضر بودید برای دیدن این موجود هزینه ای بپردازید؟ به نظر شما چرا دکتر می خواست این موجود را به بیمارستان منتقل کند؟

21 پسندیده

hello everyone. how are you guys
that’s a nice idea especially for some people like me. cause unforchunatly
my writing skill it’s not very well
to be honest it’s so socks. maybe by this, I can imagine some improvement about this skill
so as soon as possible I will try participate in this challenge
I’m thankful about this, and thank you dear afarkhani

3 پسندیده

Thank you :rose::rose::rose::rose:
I am glad you are pleased to create such a challenge

4 پسندیده


Actually I read this story. And I put myself in the guy’s shoes
To feel like people are afriad of you is a bad condition. It’s more like an error that may cause people to malfunction. ( I used error and malfunction as metaphor)
They misunderstand a face with spirit.
So if I would be there yes I would pay to see this guy (if they’d accept rial).
And the reason that the guy needed to go to hospital was he had breathing problem.

But how terrible life had been back in those days
People would use abnormals to make money.
It seems odd and thank god I wasn’t born in that era.

15 پسندیده

Hey guys… I read this story. It is a good story and I liked it when I read it.If I saw it, maybe I was wondering and tried to understand it. If I were the doctor, I would help the elephant man, because I think we must help to illness and poor people. I think there is no reason to fear him. The doctor was a good man and he wanted to help him.

11 پسندیده

I think, my reaction is run away, because I can’t adorable odd things, I’m afraid of special things, imagine one human had be half animal and half human!! :dizzy_face::scream:
If I confront this thing, I’ll pass out.
I don’t eager to see the elephant man.
In my opinion, the doctor wanted to help elephant man, it’s probably he was sick and he needed to especiall cure.

Thanks dear hana, and Mr kambiz, Mr naseri
I like some changes in this challenge.

10 پسندیده

Hell guys
If I was doctor, I helped and cured him. There is no reason to I have scare that elephant man because I think he would be more kindness than human

8 پسندیده

I think to myself if I saw this man what I did. Maybe I
ran away or maybe that just a disgusting view. But If I had an ability to cure this man absolutely I helped him. He had a good heart and that caused people to visit him a lot even the queen of England. He had an ugly face why this happen to him I thought. I think because people saw his real face .he wrote many books. if I had a best or the beautiful face but my temper is so bad people run away. We have two face. One outside and one inside . People love the beauty and this not only in your face or in your body but inside you, right in your heart

8 پسندیده

hello dear friend
for what you used were on that phrase?
I don’t get it
{If I were the doctor}

3 پسندیده

People always overreact to abnormality. He isn’t scary. He is just different and has a medical problem.
As a doctor, it is my duty to help that man. What is the point of being a doctor, if he/she can’t help people. If every thing is OK, there will be no need for a doctor

6 پسندیده

Hey buddy… In this sentence, were means instead of…
If I were the doctor یعنی اگر بجای دکتر بودم.

3 پسندیده

Hello everybody.
Well,I think if I were there as a physician,I would certainly help him and sympathize with him to make him feel better
And yes,of course I would pay money to see and also help him.
About the reason that doctor wanted to take him to the hospital:i haven‘t read the story,but according to it‘s summery,I guess he had a very bad disease (if i‘m right,named “proteus syndrom”)and in this disease ,patients are at the risk of developing many tomors, and might die because of trombosis and pulmonary embolism(some problems related to lungs),so i think the doctor took him to the hospital to cure him in these cases and maybe he was also a specific case and the doctor wanted to know about this disease.

7 پسندیده


I describe a summary of this story to you. This story is about an ugly man who called ‘elephant man’.He was like a creature and people didn’t want to see him. He lived in a shop and the owner of the shop had been selling tickets to people for visiting the elephant man. One day a doctor who passed across the street, all of a sudden saw an advertisement about the elephant man and was looking forward to visit him. When the doctor saw him, decided to help him. He bought him and brought him by himself to the hospital. He took care of him and did his best for him. The elephant man would be the happiest man in the world. The doctor caused that the queen of England visited him at the hospital. He would be so famous. Unfortunately on night he passed away because he couldn’t breathe well.It was a summery of this story​:open_book:. Hope you enjoy reading it :blush:

7 پسندیده

3 نوشته با یک موضوع موجود ترکیب شدند: چت

Thank you alot for your summery that was brief and useful.
it must be a
very intresting story and wanna read it.tnx

2 پسندیده

اگه درست متوجه منظورتون شده باشم فک میکنم has been مناسب تره


I don’t have eager

4 پسندیده

چون در مورد دکتری که از قبل اطلاعات در موردش داریم صحبت میکنیم بهتره بگیم
If i were the doctor

اگه منظورتون اینه که دلیلی وجود نداشت که بترسم میتونید بگید
There was no reason for me to scared

4 پسندیده

What’s a great idea :clap::clap::clap:

Unfortunately I can’t find a connection between this sentence and and past, before sentences
It can be more clear, exactly like your idea that you mention very very good :ok_hand:
Another point , as you know, is that when you start a new sentence, it should start with a capital letter
Good job :clap::clap:

5 پسندیده

You pointed to a good issue :clap::clap:

everything :point_right: Don’t need space

5 پسندیده

Very good miss Dr. :grin::clap::clap::clap::clap:
I think you are interested in medicine because you pointed to the cause of disease
carefully :ok_hand::ok_hand:
Good job dear :slightly_smiling_face:

4 پسندیده