چالش وبلاگ «ehsan957»

ninth topic
Forever, even after death
I usually go to the cemetery every Thursday afternoon. It’s a habit and I like it.
I feel relaxed after going there. and it’s Thursday.
Iwas walking on cemetry and see an amazing gravestone. A shared gravestone. it was for a couple who live together for years and now rest in peace forever

9 پسندیده

10th topic
Is it good for children? really?
For learning English you should read novels, easy novels, children novels, A.J. said. And you repeated it several times. He suggested reading Goosebumps series. And I did.
I just finished the first one. It was very interesting and amazing and I couldn’t stop reading. it absorbed me completely. it’ was very good, I gave it 4 stars in Goodreads.(before I wrote about Goodreads If you want you can read it)
But I have a big question in my mind and ask it from you. Is it good for children? really? poor children who read this book and can’t fall asleep never :joy::joy::joy:

6 پسندیده

You can try " The Streets Of Panic Park "
then you’ll find that the first book isn’t even scary :grin:

I found a biography book by R.L stine but I didn’t download it.

the description was something like:

is R.L Stine had a scary mind when he was a kid ?

somehow made me curious but still decided not to download it.

4 پسندیده

11th topic
By suggestion of most popular user of Zabanshenas’s forum(Who you know him) I tried to find English natives and speak to them. I tried several app and website that I found them on Google.
But I realized that WeSpeke is better than others. Maybe only for me. I search on that for who were English natives and were older than 40 years.
(I prefer older because young men and women usually use this for finding friends for a relationship and have no free time for learning purpose.)
In some days:
1: I spoke to a Canadian man who was petroleum engineer and worked on an oil platform on Syria. He worked for United Nations. He was a widower, his wife Jessica died five years ago and he missed for her very much, Now he thinks about new wife, who protect from his son that is 13 years old.
2: I spoke to a New Zealandian man who has 2 children a boy 21 years old and girl 25 years old, he send me some pretty pictures from his town beach and I send him some pictures of deserts of my town. He said that his wife love dates and pistachio, two agriculture products of my town.
3: I spoke to a girl from Brazil who amazingly didn’t love football and prefer volleyball and baseball to football. We talked about music and I said that I love classical and traditional music. I introduce Tar instrument to her and share a Tar playing video to her.

7 پسندیده

wooooow nice events to share.

do it more and of course share it more.

maybe in the future I’ll try WeSpeke too. and I’ll share my interactions with you guys.

and thanks for the complement you gave. I appreciate your kindness.

2 پسندیده

That’s cool
I like to find some new friends, but I didn’t find a good site,
So, thank you for sharing these your experiences

3 پسندیده

A short blog post,
My son born last night while the snow was falling after 3 years in yazd

11 پسندیده

congratulations :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

4 پسندیده
I'm wishing you a lifetime of happiness with your new little baby boy.
4 پسندیده

Congratulate to you and your wife and your new baby.
Best wishes for you.

4 پسندیده

best wishes for you and your family. :heart:

4 پسندیده

god bless you and your familly

3 پسندیده

I congratulate you very much :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
خدا زیادشون کنه :tulip::rose::tulip:
ب امید تبریک خواهرهاااا و برادرهااااش :heartbeat::heartbeat:

2 پسندیده

I wish best for you

2 پسندیده

Congratulation mr.ehsan
your baby is a gift from god, undoubtedly you’re more responsible to your family,
please give my regards to your wife
and congratulate on my behalf.
I wish the best for you all.

2 پسندیده

My friends and I joined in a Telegram group named “سرای اهل قلم” and we write an article for a local newspaper. we are free to choose our article subjects and after publishing, we discuss the article and say our opinion about that.
Some weeks ago a wrong mistake happened and author of an article got angry. He had written an article that begins with a poem and the newspaper published without that poem.
The author said removing poem cause distortion, and it doesn’t the same meaning that I want.
After this, We read the original article and confirm his claim.
It’s true that sometimes a little changing or removing some parts of a context can cause a lot of change in meaning it is distortion.
we have a lot of experience of distortion in media. we watched censored movies and read censored books.
We can see distortion in politics to that politicians distort their rivals speeches to defeat them.
Now I want to tell you about a distortion in our literature. this distortion is in a poem and the distorted edition is more common than the original. and we will read and listen to this poem in this days more and more because this poem is about Eid Fetr.

عید رمضان آمد و ماه رمضان رفت
صد شکر که این آمد و صد حیف که آن رفت

I can guess that you see this poem a lot but this poem is distorted edition. and Gha’ani compose a different one, his original poem is:

عید رمضان آمد و ماه رمضان رفت
صد شکر که این آمد و صد شکر که آن رفت

I recommend you to read the whole of this poem to see how this distortion changes the meaning of this poem.


6 پسندیده

Ali Asghar just published a topic on the forum that has a quote, it expressed about happiness.

I remember a Quran verse that says “لاخوف علیهم ولاهم یحزنون” and I really love it. the verse says that (good people) be neither fear nor sorrow.

Do you know what’s the main reason for the fear and the sorrow? thinking about the past and thinking about the future.

When we think about the past we think about our missing opportunities and we will be in sorrow. and when we think about the future we will fear because we know anything about the future and we don’t know about what will happen and so we will fear.

And the verse says that good people who believe the God live in the moment. like the quote that Ali Asghar shared.

5 پسندیده

Thanx mr ehsan… good topic… for living in the moment i spend time in the morning with meditation. What I gained from meditation is peace😍

2 پسندیده

So good, I know that you are a psychologist and I recommend that you teach us meditation in a topic

1 پسندیده

Miracle of Numbers

Last night I said that I won’t follow the summer challenge and now I want to say why?
Since two years ago I have failed in my planning for daily exercise but at that time I make an important decision. I decided to help from Numbers I decided to register my records. and so I installed an app on my cellphone to register time and rate and path of my walking and running. It really helped me.

How? I saw my walking time as records in digitals games. I have tried to register new records in kilometers that I ran I have tried to keep my chain… And I did this when I began cycling too

I was good for the first days. the miracle of numbers forced me to keep my job. but there was a problem I saw that I didn’t want to broke my chain anyway even I had an important job and it was a tribble fact.

It was like a childish insist. the registering record was good for beginning a new job and it had caused to be my habit but insisting on it could harm me.

So after that, I decided to be on challenges while I think it’s necessary for the beginning and then I wouldn’t notice to Numbers.

So when my 109 days chain on Zabanshenas app has been broken I didn’t be sad and I continue that.

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