سلام به دوستان عزیز.
پادکست امروز من درباره اسراف نکردنه.
ما در طول روز خیلی ناخودآگاه خیلی از پولمون رو صرف چیز هایی می کنیم که به کل زیادم به دردمون نمیخورن. ( یا شاید به کل به دردمون نخورن)
این پادکست الهام گرفته شده از درس بدون اسراف هستش که شما می تونید تو اپلیکیشن زبانشناس هم اینو در دوره VIP ای جی هوگ پیدا کنید.
راستی قبلا آقا @hnaseri در این باره تو یه لتس تاک صحبت کردند که میتونید اینجا ببینیدش…
برای دیدن متن این پادکست می تونید اینجا کلیک کنید
Kambiz is back dudes and gals…
As always this time I like to inform the title of this podcast that we’re gonna talk today.
The title is “ Zero Waste”
The title says a lot… so just imagine what does Zero waste mean.
It means to stop wasting things. It can be food, clothing, money, shelter or anything. So we can actually talk about recycling but I don’t know much about it so I’m not gonna talk about that.
But you must know recycling is one the most important thing we have to have some schedule on it.
By the way in this podcast I’m gonna talk about zero waste for money.
I’m sure we know people who loves to buy fashionable clothes, who doesn’t like it ? huh?
I’m sure all of you guys like to have a huge house with the best car and best food for you breakfast, lunch, dinner… But believe me you don’t want them. I mean you don’t need them. You can easily survive with a little bit of food each day, a small shelter and of course some clothing to warm you up or cover yourself up.
Recently I was reading the compound effect by Darren Hardy. He’s a very successful man and he’s done a lot of success seminar and he’s a great coach for this matter.
By the way. Something there, was very appealing to me, he changed his whole banking system with just a small notebook and a pen.
Just by writing everything that he was buying each day. At the end of the day he would find out wow!!! A lot of those things that he’s was buying was so wasteful. He didn’t need most of them. so from that time he’s stopped buying those thing and he cut the expenditures that was unnecessary. So he improved his whole life and saved lots of money.
Just look around. Maybe at your life or your parent’s life. How many times you thought “ oh we have lots expenses, we need to have more money to cover them all” And then you work even harder and harder and harder. You earn more money and as a result of that you waste more money. Even you don’t realize it.
We only see one side. We don’t see the other side. You know what I mean by saying the other side?
Yes the wasteful side.
We don’t need to earn a lot of money, we just need to cut some of our expenditures and save a lot of money.
That’s right. How?
Let me give you an example. You are outside. You’re passing by a candy-shop. Suddenly you realize wow I have to buy a candy.
By buying that candy you won’t achieve anything and of course it’s harmful for you life. It has lots of sugar in it that you need to walk a lot to burn the calories that you gained from it.
So it’s wasteful, and of course you’re paying for that bullshit.
Or clothing. We don’t need a lot of clothes, we just need something to wear. For our job or maybe party or whatever we can have some clothes.
But sometimes people buy lots of them. I had a classmate back in college days.
She would buy some clothing each months. I could see her each week in different colors and still I was wearing the sweater that I bought five years ago… We can just look around and see a lot of examples on wasting money. We don’t need to earn a lot, we just need to decrease the amount of waste we have.
Huge house for 2 people?
Fashionable clothes that next year is gonna be a trash.
Or food that is gonna add lots of fat?
How to solve and cut the waste ?
Just by having an investing mind.
Instead of letting your money go forever, you invest it on something that bring the money or the value of it back to you.
You can invest your money on for example insurance. Or you can buy a clothing that last much much longer. Or you can eat healthy food to help your body improve.
So it’s up to you. You can change your life by cutting the waste. Stop watching bullshits from TV.
“Oh we need to change the decoration of our house because it will make us more relaxed.” Instead of changing the decoration of the house go and exercise fatso.
AH… if you guys like to know more about Zero waste go on and download the Zabanshenas application and add the VIP lesson from A.J Hoge.
It’s done. See you guys later. Have a great no waste life. So long.
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